Full Circle

Full Circle by Lisa Marie Davis

Book: Full Circle by Lisa Marie Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Marie Davis
Tags: Romance MM, erotic MM
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barrier between them, and the memory alone was enough to make his cock stir.
    For the first time in years, he felt undeniable desire, and it made every nerve ending in his body hum with energy.
    As if sensing something, sensing the energy that nearly
    consumed Max, Jaylin lifted his head and Max could see
    tears drying on his face. It was a sight that broke his heart and he moved the hand in his hair to cup his cheek, thumb
    brushing away a tear trail, before stroking his bottom lip, and at the intimate contact, Jaylin shivered.
    Wordlessly, he caught Max’s hand, pressing a kiss to
    the palm, before dropping his lips to his wrist. Max tensed 108
    Full Circle | Lisa Marie Davis

    when Jaylin looked at the faint white lines, the fading scars that told a story all their own, and fresh tears were in
    Jaylin’s eyes when their gaze locked again.
    “When did you…?”
    “About eight months after that night. I was tired. And in
    pain all the time. I thought not being able to feel anything would be far better than hurting.”
    “A nurse found me, before it was too late. After that, my
    doctors called in a therapist for me to talk to and, truth be told, she saved my life.”
    “Thank God.” Jaylin kissed his wrist again. “I wish I had
    been there. I think I understand now, why you left. I always knew your father had a hand in it, but…God, Max, please
    know, I would have never left your side. I would have been
    there for you night and day and I would have loved you
    through it all, every step of the way.”
    “I know. Now. It took some time, but I got my head
    “I wish you would have contacted me sooner.”
    “You have such a remarkable life, Jay. I didn’t want to
    disrupt that.”
    “You could never disrupt my life, because you add
    something wonderful to it.”

    Full Circle | Lisa Marie Davis

    Emotions rushed over him and Max smiled despite the
    urge to cry as Jaylin looked at him, and he fought not to get lost in those remarkable blue eyes.
    “What do you want, Max?”
    “What do you mean?”
    Jaylin laced their fingers together, his eyes thoughtful.
    “It’s been seven years, but I can tell you I love you now as much as ever. And maybe some of my dreams have come
    true, but the thing that I wanted most in life is you. So I guess I’m asking if all you wanted was the chance to tell me why you left the way you did, or do you want something
    “I’ve never stopped loving you, Jaylin. Not for a second.”
    “Do you love me enough…?”
    “If there is room for me in your life, there is nowhere
    else I would rather be.”
    “Be sure about that. Because I don’t know if I could
    survive losing you again.”
    “You will never lose me again if you….” He shook his
    head. “Can we do this, Jay? Can we pick up the pieces and
    start over? Can we make it work?” He wanted nothing more,
    but after seven years he was afraid to even hope it was
    possible. Jaylin smiled and kissed his palm again.
    “We can do anything, if we really want to.”
    “I want to.”

    Full Circle | Lisa Marie Davis

    “So do I.”
    Smiling, he pulled Jaylin up into his arms, and just as
    they had all those years ago, their lips came together almost hesitantly, but it only took brief contact before the hesitation faded and they were clinging to each other. He could feel
    Jaylin’s hands on his shoulders and he again tangled his
    hand in Jaylin’s hair, pressing him as close as possible as their tongues brushed together and danced in hungry, needy
    Easing back, he laid down on the bed, pulling Jaylin
    with him, loving the feel of having Jaylin wrapped tightly in his arms, surrounding him with his warm and incredible
    strength. His kisses felt so right, so familiar. Kissing Jaylin was like coming home, home to a place he never wanted to
    leave again. He knew where he belonged, as Jaylin slid a
    hand under his shirt and Max moaned his delight when
    teasing fingers brushed

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