
Guardian by Cyndi Goodgame

Book: Guardian by Cyndi Goodgame Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cyndi Goodgame
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feelings.  Yes, only when we were in a high emotional state, but that was more often than not with her.  Yes, the eyes were the same, but would she see them through the rest? 
    And what about when she found out I could hear her thoughts and knew her future and her past. 
    Caylie would be at the party too.  I hated for her to lose Caylie.  She’d been there for her for years and she would miss her…well assuming she picked me.  It all depended on the path Grace chose?                
    Halloween (the solstice) was finally here.   The three of us met at the iron gate that led up to the mansion of a house.  Filthy rich humans who never cared about their teenagers and what they were doing.  I knew I’d have Grace out of there by the time anything bad could happen, but what about the rest?  And if she chose to stay human.  The thought squeezed my gut.
    I parked Grace’s mom’s car after dropping them off, and glammed my way to the front steps beside them without revealing my talents.  We walked into the house together feeling out of place but knew that most of the senior class was at this party.  That would include Kinsler.

Chapter Eight
    “What are you?” someone directed at Grace from the front door.  It was the older sister to Josie who followed me around town sometimes on my bike.  Grace was better off left in the dark on that one.  The female readily gave her body to any male who gave her attention.             
    I laughed silently at Grace’s inside ability to tell the evil wards off and show her gutsiness, yet remain a kitten on the outside full of poise and just enough sting to bite back.
    “Cinderella,” she said with a bit of attitude adjusting the pink lace cuffs.  I leaned closer to her feeling overly protective as we neared the party of doom.  She checked out her outfit to appear busy by moving her hands around the different parts of her.   
    Laughter rang out and I stepped up to stalker girl, “She is more of a punk rock Cinderella.”  I purred my voice hoping to steel her gaze away from Grace.
    “How cute,” another snotty girl said to Grace and then looked in my direction, “and she brought her hot freaky Prince.”  She looked me up and down and turned to Caylie next. “And you?” as she looked her up and down too.  Gotta wonder!
    The multi-lingo sass side of Caylie didn’t let us down. 
    “Your worst nightmare if you don’t let me inside to go to the restroom.  You are so whack!”  Caylie stepped inside the house and pushed the girl aside who turned to Jackie, Josie’s sister.  The nauseating she-witch motioned to me and told her something about her filthy damn wishes or worse.  I could’ve high fived Caylie when she came back with, “You are so SOL on that deal.  He’s already taken.”   You got that part right.
      She rolled her eyes at Caylie, smiled rudely at Grace, and started sizing up her next victim.  Grace’s face on the outside shivered with tension, but inside she was proud of her friend.  Next, she called me hot and noticed her friend Pam within the same second.  As much as it irked me to be usurped by her friend, I would take what I could get.
    I froze when I saw who was with Pam.  David.  (Switch)  I’d checked with Pike’s surveillance on the dude and new why Kinsler hired him on.  He was a callous scoundrel like his court.  He’d glamoured himself into another face for this event.  Kinsler recruited several for tonight I see. My eyes inadvertently searched for Pike.  He was there, in the corner casing the area for the very same thing.
    “David, this is Grace.  We are friends from school.”  She waved her hand back and forth between them as David inconspicuously moved closer to Grace.  If her power had grown, she’d not gained any sense for seeing danger.  Just the opposite, she embraced it and invited it in.
    Neither girl saw that this was the same guy from school now in his Fey

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