
Heather by Charles Arnold Page A

Book: Heather by Charles Arnold Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charles Arnold
Tags: Erótica
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to open one on the left pulling Heather into a sort of barroom with tables and a small stage. A tall mulatto girl was pole dancing for the amusement of six or seven rough looking men who yelled obscenities at her. Except for stilettos, she was naked. Throbbing music blared from two speakers above the stage which was lit with a single blue light. The room smelled of marijuana smoke and cheap perfume. The black girl’s body glistened with sweat. When the men saw Heather they turned away from the stage and began shouting questions at Luz.
    “What you got there, Luz?”
    “Hey, is she for us. Did old Ruiz get us a white bitch?”
    “When the fuck she goin’ on the line?”
    “Jesus! A white cunt! Is she from the states or what?”
    Luz grinned at them. “Yeah, you boys in for a treat once we get her broke. She’s an American college bitch, the one that was up at the professor’s place fuckin’ a goddamn ape.”
    One of the men stood up and banged his hand on the table, “Holy shit, we got us an ape fucker!”
    “A damn pretty one. I got a big bone to throw her right now.”
    “Hey, Luz, get the bitch cleaned up and put her on the line.”
    The girl on the stage had stopped dancing and stood leaning against the pole. Luz tugged on the chain pulling Heather forward. “Yeah, I expect she be ready by tomorrow night.” She turned to Heather. “Tell the boys your name and speak up,” she demanded.
    “And what is your number?”
    Luz nodded and looked out at the men, “So if you want her she answers to Heather or Seven.” She turned leading Heather out of the room amid shouts and laughter. She crossed the hall and pushed open the massive oak door on the other side of it. Heather gasped at what opened before her. Running down the length of the small room was a narrow table no higher than a cocktail table but slightly wider. Four girls, all brown or black, were kneeling along its length, each separated from the next one by about three feet. The girls were naked. They wore no shoes. Around their necks were collars like her own. These were secured to eyebolts by five inch lengths of chain forcing their heads down and their buttocks up. Spreader bars attached to their ankles parted their legs. They wore wrist cuffs. Their arms were pulled back between their spread legs, the wrist cuffs buckled to the ankle cuffs. Their faces were made up with mascara and lipstick. Their bodies had been rubbed with perfumed oil. Both their pubic area and anal openings had been shaved.
    Behind the first girl stood a tall skinny black man” his dirty jeans and shorts were gathered around his boots. His hands were on the girls hips pulling her into him. His long black cock slid rhythmically in and out of her anal opening. There was no one behind or in front of the second girl but Heather watched as she bent her head over a line of white powder trying to draw as much of it into her nostrils as she could. A short fat balding man stood in front of the third girl, his hand on her head and he fucked her mouth. The last girl in the line was experiencing an orgasm as the Mexican behind her pounded his cock into her pussy.
    Heather stood looking at the scene in front of her, “My God,” she said, “they are...they are...”
    Luz smiled. “They’re doin’ doggie duty, four hours every other day. Two nights a week they work the pole in the room we just come from. Four nights a week each doggie is on call which means she spends a couple hours with whichever soldier wants her.”
    Heather shook her head in disbelief. “That’s criminal. It’s...it’s slavery.”
    “It’s a fringe benefit Captain Ruiz gives to his soldiers. You ain’t seen the girls complaining. They get a fringe benefit too. It’s that line of white powder you see Maria trying to sniff up her nose.”
    “They’re drugged...you’ve made them addicts.”
    “No, when they become addicts we take them to a city and dump them. That’s what

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