placed her hand on his arm. “Please sit with me so we can talk about all of this.”
He pulled his arm away from her, and her gaze went down to the floor. He was her baby, and he was pushing her away. How was she going to break through his hard exterior? He needed her now more than ever, and she needed to make him see things her way. Abby walked to the couch and took a seat across from Sam. A safe distance so her son wouldn’t feel so alienated. John came, sat down beside her, and grabbed her hand.
“He’s just going to hurt you again.”
“John, let him explain, and then you can judge when you have all the facts. If I’ve taught you anything growing up, it was to listen to all of the facts.” Abby gently squeezed his hand.
“You’re right, Mom. Your life is based on facts. I’ll hear him out.”
Abby wanted to jump for joy at this small victory but knew better. She let out a breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding, and finally thought for the first time since she’d been eighteen, everything might actually work out.
Sam and Abby proceeded to tell John everything, from their first meeting to his conception, and why Sam had stayed away. They covered his changed identity, his stint in the military, then college, and explained Richard Daley’s involvement and how he tried to keep her safe. Abby knew her mouth hung open when Sam turned to her and said he loved her. A tear trickled down her face. Richard Daley had robbed her of so much lost time.
John looked at Abby. His face, so much like his father’s, was blank, not even betraying a hint of what he was thinking.
“Mom, did you tell him everything about us, including what only our family knows?” John tilted his head to the side, and he raised his eyebrow.
It was obvious her answer would affect the outcome, and she wanted to kick herself for not thinking about it first. There had been times when she could have told him, and maybe her heart was still too fragile, thinking he might leave her. Because of her insecurities from his return, she had held off telling him about their abilities. Hell, he was FBI. If things didn’t work out, there was a chance, if he knew, their lives could change for the worse.
“Not yet.” Abby’s gaze went to Sam’s. Regret had made her heart fall to her stomach.
“Then he’s the one missing all of the facts, and the jury’s still out. This is a lot to take in.”
John left them alone in the room and for the second time in her life, Abby was at a loss, unsure how to make everything okay for John. Sam rose and went to her side, pulling her up from the couch and into his embrace. His arms circled around her. Abby laid her face on his stone chest and felt the tears slide down her face. Keeping the truth about their abilities might have done more harm than good. She’d known this was going to be hard, but she hadn’t expected it to break her heart. Resigned there was nothing she could do about it, she swiped her hands across her face. She tilted her head up and looked up into his eyes. Her hand rose to his face. “Sam, I can’t force him to accept this, he’s lived his whole life thinking that you lied and abandoned us. I’m so sorry. ”
He turned to kiss her palm. “Me too, baby. What did he mean that I didn’t have all the facts?”
“I still have a few things to tell you about my family, but it can wait for now.”
They walked hand in hand to the kitchen, where they found everyone working in tandem to get an impromptu dinner prepared. Briggs had made it, but John was nowhere to be seen. Emma squeezed her arm as she passed.
“Are you okay?”
Abby shook her head, afraid that if she tried to speak her voice would break.
“I’ll go check on him, Abby. He’s just worried about you. I’m sure he just needs some space and to let this all soak in. Besides, he can fill me in.” She winked and left the room. Abby stared at the occupants of the kitchen. All eyes were focused on her, and their
Addison Moore
Janet McNulty
L. Ann Marie
J. Rose Allister
Tony Abbott
Monica Mccarty
Rod Nordland
John Farrow
Jill Sanders
Emma L. Adams