Heavy Metal Thunder

Heavy Metal Thunder by Kyle B. Stiff

Book: Heavy Metal Thunder by Kyle B. Stiff Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kyle B. Stiff
Tags: Fantasy
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    “If you’ve got a ship, then what’re you wasting your
time here for?”
    “I don’t have a ship yet, dumbass, I’m gonna take
    She brightens slightly. “Oka-a-ay. Okay!”
    “What’s your name?”
    “ Reika ,” she says, smiling
crookedly. “You?”
    You panic, and can feel your ears burning. “Uh,
u-u-uh,” you stutter. “It’s... Commander... Destructinator ...
    “Bullshit,” Reika says.
Then you feel utter horror, for she grabs your dogtag before you can smack her hand away. “Mister Wiggles, huh?”
    “Listen! That’s probably not my real name. You know,
that’s something someone put on me after he stole my memory... and sold it to
the aliens...”
    “Okay bitch, fine, you can call me that until my
memory comes back and I know my real name. Okay? That alright with you?”
    Smiling, she turns to the door to leave but you
distinctly hear her mutter something that lets you know that she does not have
complete faith in your abilities. You realize that while Reika might be a helpful ally, you also might have to kill her. Such back-talk could
be dangerous in the long term. For now, make a note that Reika is with you.
    To continue down the hall toward the ship docking
bay, turn to section 381 .

    You and the others creep forward. Your jetpacks
clang back and forth on your backs, and it seems a wonder that no one can hear
you, but the entire hallway hums with the sound of machinery, covering you. You
peer ahead, sure that at any moment enemy soldiers will burst forth.
    Ahead of you, the Commander swings into the narrow
doorway, then motions for the rest of you to follow. Just as you are about to
enter, a black-masked face crowned by two large horns peers through the far
doorway. He sees you and Marcus, then barks out some
order. Immediately gunmen swing around both sides of the far doorway, blasting
wildly. You dive into the narrow doorway while Uther covers you as best he can.
    “Return fire!” Uther shouts. “Fire!”
    Still on the ground, you lean over the edge and
blast at the enemy, who duck for cover. Uther fires standing above you while
Marcus, on his knees, returns fire with his rifle. You glance at Sybel; it
seems you are in some sort of large storage closet full of radiation suits,
which Sybel studies intently.
    You gain 1 XP for using your skill as best
you can.
    You must now compute a number that will determine
the outcome of your gun battle. This number is your Dexterity . If you
are trained in Weapon Proficiency: Ranged , and it is with the weapon you
are using, add 3 to this number. If you are using a Shotgun , add 1. For
every 3 Handgun bullets you fire, add 1. For every 2 Rifle bullets you fire, add 1. For every Shotgun shell you fire, add 1.
    If your number is 9 or less, turn to section 102 .
    If your number is 10 or more, turn to section 31 .

    One Invader crashes into the ground, dead from Sybel’s gunshot. Two more of them, desperate for cover,
roll directly into your line of sight. Marcus sprays one with a hail of bullets
that tosses blood onto the far wall. While the other Invader whirls in
confusion, you blast the side of his head, shattering his mask and spraying
blood onto one of his bone-white horns.
    The last alien guard, realizing that he is
outnumbered, runs away through your line of sight in a desperate bid to
survive. As Marcus and Sybel nail him from two directions, he fires wildly. One
of his bullets whizzes by your knee, tearing off a strip of precious meat with
    You lose 2 Blood and 1 SD.
    If you die, then you may Regenerate by turning back to section 161 .
    If you survive, then you gain 2 XP for
killing an alien guard. Be sure to erase the amount of ammunition that you
    Sybel runs down the hall and you rush to rejoin him.
Turn to section 416 .

    The deconstructor leans back on long legs and your
spear slams into the ground; following through with
your own momentum, you catch the butt end of

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