His Rules: Ludlow Nights - Book1 (A Ludlow Nights Romance)

His Rules: Ludlow Nights - Book1 (A Ludlow Nights Romance) by CC MacKenzie

Book: His Rules: Ludlow Nights - Book1 (A Ludlow Nights Romance) by CC MacKenzie Read Free Book Online
Authors: CC MacKenzie
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reality of his woman protecting him and herself.
    If anything had happened to her...
    His heart felt as if a large hand had fisted around it and squeezed tight.
    She must have seen something in his eyes because her fingers kneaded his shoulders.
    It felt quite wonderful.
    "You weren't to know that I'm a Krav Maga black belt. I'm sorry I scared you," she said.
    "Who trained you?"
    "Danni and T.C. and I have attended a dojo in the West-End for three years."
    Her hands were stroking his back now and he saw a sadness in her vivid eyes that made his own narrow.
    "Four years ago Danni was assaulted... and no I'm not going to give you chapter and verse... but she needed to feel safe again, to regain her lost confidence, so we joined to support her and it all went from there."
    He wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his forehead so very gently on hers.
    "Are you trying to tell me that your friends can do what you can do?"
    "Yep. T.C. has some kick-ass moves. But Danni is fast, really fast, with her fists. Being able to protect herself has changed her life. I'm so very proud of how far she's come."
    She wiggled her bottom against the hardness of his swollen erection and his body responded. How could it not? He inhaled the floral scent of her hair, of her soft skin, of warm and willing woman, and shuddered.
    "If you do that again I will not be responsible for my actions," he said curtly.
    "I know what you need," she said in a voice that whispered of wicked sin. He knew what he needed, too, and she was in no fit state to give it to him. Her hips moved against the hardness of him. "A hug. Fortunately for you I give really good hugs."
    Cristo .
    The girl was killing him.
    But it wasn't just hugs that he wanted, needed, from her.
    "How about a diversion," he suggested, "because if you keep doing that I'm going to lose my mind."
    "Oh yeah, I'm really good at diverting attention." Now her mouth was gently sucking on his earlobe and her hands slid down from his shoulders to his waist and created absolute mayhem underneath his T-shirt. "How am I doing so far?"
    Then her mouth was on his, tantalising, tempting, teasing and trusting, and the world for Olivier simply melted away beneath the hard and heavy burden of his desire for her. But his need rose and so did his urge to bury himself deep within her; to take and take everything she had to give, until her name and her name only was wrenched from him.
    He tried desperately to stop. He called on every single bit of self-control he possessed to keep his touch light and easy, to remember that she was injured and not ready for what he was about to do to her. Now he spoke and gathered strength from who knew where to delay certain destiny.
    "You are hurt and not ready for this," he told her in a voice that wasn't quite steady as he caught a glossy strand of inky black curls around his fist.
    "I feel absolutely fine," she responded as she pushed his T-shirt up and over his shoulders. He released her for a split second while he helped her to remove it, tossed it on the bed before reaching for her again. Then his mouth found the hectic pulse fluttering beneath her ear. Dio , she tasted wonderful, salt and sweet and warm and she smelled even better. And all the while he surged against her, his body unyielding and hard against her soft damp centre. He watched her as his fingers traced a path from the hollow of her throat, down to the edge of the T-shirt she wore, his T-shirt. Taking infinite care not to hurt her tender face, she raised her arms as he lifted and removed the garment, tossed it next to his and then feasted his eyes on her tight little breasts with those taut nipples all rosy and pink. Now his fingers traced the curve of soft and round breasts and he smiled his satisfaction when those vivid blue eyes went lazy and her nipples peaked under his searching fingertips.
    "God." He sucked in a breath. "Is this what you call diverting me?" he murmured, leaning back a little, trying to

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