If Only We Knew

If Only We Knew by Ancelli

Book: If Only We Knew by Ancelli Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ancelli
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Shannon instead? Technically, they were both pregnant. Matthew could’ve had a brother or sister.” He observed him. “The look on your face is priceless. You never thought about that.”
    “No. Shannon would’ve told me no, and you know it. I don’t regret marrying Karen. She’s forgiven me and has accepted Matthew.”
    “Has she?”
    “Yes, she has.” he answered, getting aggravated.
    “The first day you get to bring him home, where is she? If she forgave you, she needs to act like it. I know you’re getting pissed, so I’m going shut up. Just think of what I said. Your son shouldn’t feel like he doesn’t belong, the way we did when we visited Mom.” He walked in to the kitchen.
    “I wouldn’t let that happen.”
    “I know, just think about it. Okay, I’m done lecturing you. What do you have to eat?”
    Four hours later, Karen came into the house with shopping bags in her hands. “Matt, I’m home.”
    He ran out of the kitchen. “Shh, Matthew’s sleeping.”
    Karen put her bags down on the floor, ran over to where Matt was, and kissed him. Matt pulled back. “That’s a good welcoming. I tried to cook dinner.” He looked into her hazel eyes.
    “I ate already.” She pulled away. “I’m going to take a shower and go to bed.” She turning and went up the stairs without even glancing at the baby.
    Matt sat down by himself and ate dinner, feeling lonely even with his wife there under the same roof. He picked up the phone and dialed Shannon’s number without thinking about it.
    She answered on the first ring. “Is something wrong?”
    “No, just wanted to let you know he’s doing great. I didn’t want you to worry.” He didn’t want to let her know he just needed to hear her voice.
    “Matt, I’m not worried he’s with you. I trust you.”
    “ Mami , Did you go to the spa?”
    “No I just stayed home, relaxed and cleaned.”
    Matthew started crying. “You hear our son? I need to go. Call you tomorrow.”
    “Okay, bye.”
    Matt fell asleep with Matthew on his chest. Shannon is going to kill me, he thought when he woke up. He took Matthew upstairs to the guest bedroom he’d turned into a nursery. He placed the baby in his crib, kissed him, turned on the night-light, and walked to his room, stripping off his clothes on his way. He looked down at Karen. She was beautiful, her brunette hair up in a ponytail, and her skin was two shades lighter than his. He lay down beside her.
    She turned to face him. “Hi, sweetie.”
    Something was bothering him, and he needed to ask her. “Karen, you haven’t looked at Matthew all day.”
    “I’m trying, Matt.”
    “You call ignoring him trying? It’s not his fault. You said you were going to try and fix us. I care about you, Karen, but if you can’t eventually accept him, we should just stop here.”
    “If it’s about today, I left so you could have some alone time with him. I will accept him. He’s part of you.” She began to kiss him.
    He pulled away. “Karen, can you try to be more involved? I don’t want him to feel he doesn’t belong here, in our house.”
    “I would never want him to feel like that.” She pulled him back into a passionate kiss.
    He kissed her back with all the lust he was feeling. “I’ve missed you,” he said, moving over her, fully aroused.
    “I’ve missed you, too.” She removed her top.
    He kissed her neck, moving to her small, perky breasts, sucking and nibbling on each one of them. All of a sudden, flashes of the night with Shannon came back to him as he thought of the way his body had reacted to her when she touched him. He leaned up and stared into Karen’s eyes. When she stared back, there was something missing. He slid his boxers off .
    Karen put her hands behind his neck and pulled him down for another passionate kiss. “Mmm, I miss those the most.” She moaned.
    He opened her legs, grabbed his cock, and rubbed her pussy, feeling how wet she was. He was about to put his

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