John Thomas & Lady Jane

John Thomas & Lady Jane by Spike Milligan

Book: John Thomas & Lady Jane by Spike Milligan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Spike Milligan
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    They started home.
    ‘You had better call Soames.’
    ‘Soames,’ called Clifford. ‘Soames!’
    ‘Do you mind pushing me home,
Soames,’ said Clifford. ‘And excuse anything I said,’ he added rather offhand.
    ‘It’s nothing to me, Sir Clifford!’
    ‘It’s nothing to me,’ said Clifford.
    ‘I’ll sit down a minute,’ said
Soames, his eyes unconscious because of the beating of his heart, his hands
    Constance looked at him. No, he’d be no good to her
tonight, she thought.
    To Constance, it seemed wonderful
that such sudden strength had come out of the keeper’s body, including a few
postern blasts.
    ‘I can manage,’ said Soames. ‘I would
rather your ladyship let go.’
    Constance wondered whether all this effort wouldn’t take
it out of her lover when she was in his bed tonight. She thought, ‘I am going
to sleep with him tonight’ and he, looking at her, thought ‘I am going to have
her all together tonight’. Little did he know he would have to lie down for two
hours to recover from this effort of pushing the chair. She saw the two men,
one an adulterer and one cuckolded.
    When the motor was running, even a
little, it made it so much easier. Now it was a dead weight and Soames was
gasping for breath.
    Clifford spoke of Sir Malcolm who had
written to ask if Constance could drive with him in his two-seater, across
France, or should they go by train, or else get Hilda to drive them all the
way, all three, in her larger car.
    ‘I’d really rather go by train,’ said
Constance. ‘I don’t like motoring long distances. But I shall do what Hilda
    ‘She will want to drive her own car,’
said Clifford. ‘And your father will hate being driven — ’
    ‘I suppose that’s how it will be,’
said Constance. ‘Me in the back with him hating it.’
    They reached the house, and Clifford
was helped into his house chair. Soames collapsed in a heap on the ground.
    ‘Well, thanks awfully, Soames, I’m
afraid it was harder work than you bargained for. Go to the kitchen and have a
glass of water,’ said Clifford.
    ‘No, thank you, Sir Clifford! I’ll be
getting back to th’ wood.’
    He ducked out of his gun, put his
coat on, saluted and, holding his rupture, was gone. But Constance was angry
with Clifford, such a mean bastard, and went upstairs where she went on being
angry with Clifford.
    ‘Soames suffered a nearly broken
blood vessel and pushed you home. Is he the servant-class?’
    ‘No, he is in the
nearly-broke-a-blood-vessel class.’
    ‘He’s not paid to nearly break a
blood vessel but he is a man.’
    ‘Well, one’s got to be one thing or
the other.’ He still had young boys to tea.
    ‘Good God,’ thought Constance, ‘I am
sleeping with him tonight.’
    The night was perfumed with flowers,
though it was too early for honeysuckle. As she went up the slope beyond the
long dip she suddenly asked him:
    ‘Do you feel all right? I was so
afraid you’d strained yourself this morning.’
    ‘No, I’m all right and all my
equipment is in fine fettle.’
    He quietly unlocked the door, and
bolted it when she had entered. There was a red fire, a singing kettle, and the
table set with plates and tea cups and a white cloth.
    ‘Shall you eat something?’ he asked her.
    ‘Yes, something,’ she said, and ate
the alarm-clock. She looked at him and he looked like he didn’t want to eat.
    He pulled off his second boot and set
it beside the fire. God he had big feet. Whenever he stood anywhere he appeared
to be standing in two places at the same time. Then he went into the scullery,
fetched the coal-shovel and a piece of sacking, and taking his boots, began
carefully to free them of mud and clay, scraping the dirt into the coal-shovel.
    ‘Tell me,’ she said. ‘Tell me, what
made you marry your wife.’
    ‘Do you think you need bother
yourself about it?’ he said, looking up at her with the same unwilling eyes. He
lifted his head and said to Constance,

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