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Book: Kidnapped by Maria Hammarblad Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maria Hammarblad
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knew that she knew he was lying.
    Time had never passed as quickly as it did on the way to the rendezvous with the Redeemer, and Patricia was crying again when they left the ship. She had read the files on the little rebel crew, and she knew the names of all the people who stood there waiting for them. She knew what they had done to deserve the wrath of the Alliance, how old they were, what they liked to eat, even what the color of their eyes were, but she didn't care.
    They had packed a little bag for her with her few belongings and Travis handed it to her, dried a tear away from her cheek with his own hand and kissed her before pushing her towards the slightly alien Madison, who stood just a few steps away. "Go on, Sweetheart, it will be okay."
    Patricia didn't believe him. She still took a couple of steps towards Madison. The woman's skin and eyes had a hint of purple. Panic stabbed at her heart, and she dropped the bag right down and turned back. Throwing her arms around Travis, she whispered, "I love you so much. You'd better take care of yourself, and do come get me, you hear."
    He held her tight and she wished the moment would never end, but he eventually broke free from her and urged her to go to Madison. She heard someone mutter, "This is the weirdest thing I've ever seen. Weirdest day ever." The voice seemed to come from another planet.
    When she turned around, she saw Madison had picked up the little bag. The bluish woman hurried to meet her, wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her over to the side. Patricia followed, feeling much too numb to object.
    Travis eyed the little group, wondering how he could trust the most precious person in the world to them. He sighed. He didn't have any other choice. There was no one else to turn to.
    Hearing Patricia plead to Madison, "Please don't hurt him," made him grimace. He hadn't wanted her to know they would; she would worry, but she had figured it out anyway. William had pointed out the only way he could possibly survive losing a prisoner from his own ship was if someone stole her, and besides, one of the Redeemer's crew had a personal grudge and wouldn't accept having the girl on board if he didn't get something out of it. Travis didn't care all that much about whether he survived this visit to Central or not, but he did care about that second part. He couldn't remember killing Garth's family, but if the files said he had, it was probably true.
    Madison made a grimace, and he heard her answer, "If you want to see him again, they will have to hurt him. But that doesn't mean you have to watch."
    He was relieved to see the woman press something on her communicator and teleport them both away. As soon as Patricia wasn't there anymore he turned his attention to William and Garth, the latter a mountain of a man that towered over him. The large man stood opening and closing his fists and Travis surprised them with smiling as he said, "You're looking forward to this, aren't you. Come on. Don't hold back."
    He anticipated physical pain. Anything that could take his attention away from the void in his soul must be a good thing.
     At first, Patricia didn't understand what was happening. She was on the ground, looking back at Travis, and then she stood in a very peculiar room with white pipes hanging down from the ceiling. She was so surprised that for a moment she forgot to be heartbroken, and she exclaimed, "What happened?"
    Her companion smiled, "We teleported. The computer, well... eh, it's complicated. What's important is that you were there, and now you're here. Come on, I've prepared a room. Don't worry, we'll take good care of you."
    Patricia didn't want to follow this person, but she didn't have much of a choice. Drying her eyes with the back of her hand, she walked into a bright corridor that seemed much too merry for the occasion. Her eyes were unused to all this light and cheery colors, and she whispered, "I want to

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