Left For Dead (The Guarded Secrets Series Book 3)

Left For Dead (The Guarded Secrets Series Book 3) by Sara Schoen Page A

Book: Left For Dead (The Guarded Secrets Series Book 3) by Sara Schoen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara Schoen
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    Rum escorted Katya back inside Sharp Shooter’s office, quickly followed by Renegade and I. I didn’t have time to explain to Rum we had been talking about what would happen if Sharp Shooter said someone had to go back to Russia. I was sure she’d grill me on it later, thinking that it was some big newsbreak—that Renegade and I finally kissed and made up. She’d think we had actually moved forward in our relationship, when in reality I think we took a few steps backward. This was going nowhere fast. 
    “Glad to see you both could rejoin us,” Demon mocked, as he flashed me a mischievous grin and the new black eye forming on his face. “What took so long? Were you two busy?” He winked before Renegade took the seat next to him and kicked him under the table. Demon let out a hiss as he gritted his teeth against the pain; all he could do was throw a glare in Renegade’s direction.
    “Sorry, was that your leg?” Renegade questioned, feigning surprise. “I thought I hit the table. I’ll be more careful next time.” 
    A smile tugged at the corners of my mouth as I took my seat next to Spit Fire, who must have joined the meeting while Renegade and I were talking in the hallway. Though the smile was short lived, I could see from the irritated expression on Sharp Shooter’s face that Rum and Demon had gone all out in their debate. He was both annoyed and defeated as he glanced around the table. His gaze met everyone else’s, and when they met mine I could see the apology in his eyes. Before he spoke I knew the choice; I just hoped he would send me and me alone. I didn’t see any reason to risk others’ lives for this. It was too dangerous to send very many people; otherwise we’d be noticed before we had a chance to meet up with Natasha. There would be eyes all over Volodya’s compound because we waited so long to go back. If Katya had just told us, in English, the moment she woke up, then I could’ve gotten Natasha while Demon got Katya out. I would have had to wait for another plane, but at least they would both be safe.
    “So after a rather heated discussion,” Sharp Shooter started, flashing a glare in Rum’s direction. I had never felt pride swell in my chest over something I didn’t do, but knowing Rum was my trainer and that she had fought for what she believed in made me happy to have her on my side. “We’ve decided to take Katya up on her offer.” 
    I turned to Rum in shock. I thought she would have been the one fighting not to go back, but her gaze flickered to Demon. I silently cursed him for dragging us back to Russia. I hoped some of the points Rum made got through to Sharp Shooter, and this could be an easy in and out mission. 
    Sharp Shooter cleared his throat, regaining my attention. “We will be sending in a small team to go back and retrieve Natasha. Katya, you’ll be kept here for safety reasons, and I’m going to have Renegade stay with you to make sure you don’t try anything.” He flashed a knowing gaze in her direction. Maybe he thought I was rubbing off on even more people, even ones who haven’t been here that long. I must have been on the right track because Katya spoke up next, and the defiance in her voice said she was going to get her way.
    “I have to go with them,” she asserted, letting her thick Russian accent loose. “If I don’t then my sister will never believe them. She’s been brainwashed to think what our father is doing is for our own good. I could only see through the deceit because my mother told me what was really happening. She tried to save us, and now I have to save Natasha. I won’t leave her there to be murdered.”
    Sharp Shooter groaned. “Katya, you can’t go. It’s too dangerous. What if you are taken? What was the point of making this deal? I’m giving you what you want, but you have to work with me as well. I don’t want you walking out of this building and risk losing both you and your sister.”
    “You’re not

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