understanding,” Katya cried. “She will not come willingly as I did. She will fight you if she thinks you’re trying to take her from our father. Your agents will be found, and they will die for nothing. You won’t get the information, my sister would have out-lived her usefulness, and then their blood is on both of our hands because we did nothing to prevent it.”
There was a deathly silence that filled the room. I had to admit Katya knew how to get her way. If I had to guess it was because she was raised by a man who made all the rules. She had to be a good fighter, verbally and physically, in order to get her way sometimes. Though I wish she would have just taken Sharp Shooter’s deal; it was the safest option. I didn’t have a problem with her wanting to save her sister, but for her to go back and risk her life along with other agents? I had an issue with that. She was using her bargaining chips to come along, and that didn’t sit right with me.
“She can’t go, Sharp Shooter!” I yelled, standing up from my seat to lean into him. “She’s risking our lives and other agents who didn’t volunteer for this. If she wanted to save her sister she should have spoken up when she woke up.”
“I was disoriented,” Katya replied. “In case you forgot, I was almost killed. I couldn’t think straight.”
“And you’re thinking straight now?” I retorted, effectively silencing Katya for the moment. I knew she’d come up with something eventually. Suddenly, I wished she still only spoke Russian. At least then it would be easier to ignore her. I turned back to Sharp Shooter, who just looked done with the whole conversation, but I couldn’t stop. Demon still supported going back, but I knew he wouldn’t risk Katya’s life so I had to convince Sharp Shooter no matter what information she gave us it wouldn’t outweigh the risks. “If she’s seen then we’re fucked. That’s putting it lightly too. Worst case scenario you lose everyone who gets on that plane. Best case, one of us escapes.”
“What do you suggest, Night Stripe?” he asked curiously, shocking me slightly. He never asked for my opinion. He said I was too hot headed and acted before I thought. I wasn’t someone he’d look to for advice—that would be Rum and Demon’s job.
“Send in two people at most, and let them retrieve Natasha. I will even volunteer for it.” The second the words left my mouth a kick landed perfectly in the back of my knee. I didn’t need to turn around to know Rum was glaring at me, silently telling me this was a stupid thing to do, but as I told Renegade I wasn’t going to let any more people die than necessary. I could get out of sticky situations; I had been doing it since I first joined this agency, and I could do it again.
“I’ll go with her,” Renegade stated, raising his hand to volunteer.
“No,” I said, turning to face him. “You can’t go, you idiot. This is already a lost cause, and taking you there would be suicide. You’re a wanted man, with posters offering a reward for your dead body!”
“I’m sure the reward would be higher if I was alive.”
Sharp Shooter interrupted before I could respond. “She’s right. Renegade, you can’t go. I’m sending Demon and Night Stripe in since she offered to go and Demon seems to think it’s a good idea.” He looked around the room to see if anyone disagreed. Nothing came up. “I also hate to admit it, but Katya is right. She will be needed to convince her sister to come with us. If she won’t come willingly without Katya and it will save your lives I’m willing to do it, but on one condition, and this one isn’t negotiable.” He glanced at Katya to make sure she was listening. “My agents, my friends, are risking their lives for this mission. If you’re risking their lives for nothing, and I find out, I will send you back to Russia to your father as a gift.” He paused to let the information sink in. Her eyes grew wide. “You’ll
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