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forebearance is a crown upon it, and his
to each one of us, then we must see to it
gladness is in harmony with it, his glory
above all that the house will be holy and
has exalted it, his image has revealed
silent for the Unity. (It is) as in the case
it, his repose has received it into itself,
of some people who moved out of dwellhis love has made a body over it, his ings having jars that in spots were not
fidelity has embraced it. In this way the
good. They would break them and the
Word of the Father goes forth in the tomaster of the house would not suffer loss.
tality, as the fruit [of] his heart and an
Rather �he� is glad because in place of
impression of his will. But it supports the
the bad jars (there are) full ones which
totality; it chooses them and also receives
are made perfect. For such is the judgthe impression of the totality, purifying ment which has come from above. It has
them, bringing them back into the Father,
passed judgment on everyone; it is a
into the Mother, Jesus of the infinite
drawn sword, with two edges, cutting on
either side. When the Word appeared, the
The Father reveals his bosom.—Now
one that is within the heart of those who
his bosom is the Holy Spirit.—He reveals
utter it—it is not a sound alone but it
what is hidden of him—what is hidden
became a body—a great disturbance took
of him is his Son—so that through the
place among the jars because some had
mercies of the Father the aeons may
been emptied, others filled; that is, some
know him and cease laboring in search
had been supplied, others poured out,
of the Father, resting there in him, knowsome had been purified, still others broing that this is the rest. Having filled the ken up. All the spaces were shaken and
deficiency, he abolished the form—the
disturbed because they had no order nor
form of it is the world, that in which he
stability. Error was upset, not knowing
what to do; it was grieved, in mourning,
the one who exists, who established it
afflicting itself because it knew nothing.
from what does not exist. For he who has
When knowledge drew near it—this is
no root has no fruit either, but though he
the downfall of (error) and all its ema-
thinks to himself, “I have come into benations—error is empty, having nothing ing,” yet he will perish by himself. For
this reason, he who did not exist at all
Truth appeared; all its emanations
will never come into existence. What,
knew it. They greeted the Father in truth
then, did he wish him to think of himself?
with a perfect power that joins them with
This: “I have come into being like the
the Father. For, as for everyone who loves
shadows and phantoms of the night.”
the truth—because the truth is the mouth
When the light shines on the terror which
of the Father; his tongue is the Holy
that person had experienced, he knows
Spirit—he who is joined to the truth is
that it is nothing.
joined to the Father’s mouth by his
Thus they were ignorant of the Father,
tongue, whenever he is to receive the
he being the one whom they did not see.
Holy Spirit, since this is the manifesta
Since it was terror and disturbance and
tion of the Father and his revelation to
instability and doubt and division, there
his aeons.
were many illusions at work by means of
He manifested what was hidden of
these, and (there were) empty fictions, as
him; he explained it. For who contains,
if they were sunk in sleep and found
if not the Father alone? All the spaces are
themselves in disturbing dreams. Either
his emanations. They have known that
(there is) a place to which they are fleethey came forth from him like children ing, or without strength they come (from)
who are from a grown man. They knew
having chased after others, or they are
that they had not yet received form nor
involved in striking blows, or they are
yet received a name, each one of
The Demon
Connie Suttle
Annie Burrows
Jr H. Lee Morgan
Cat Mann
Anne Perry
Agatha Christie
Hilary Mantel
Daisy Whitney
T.E. Ridener