brow, a slight quirk to his lip.
The sly smile she gave his president made Lucky realize just what a devious mind she had. He could work with that.
“I like the way you think, though,” Flip said. As their sergeant at arms, it was part of his job to outwit, and outmaneuver, his opponent. High praise from their wet man.
“Fine. I’ll think about it.”
Hammer nodded, then looked around the table, his eyes settling on Lucky. “All right, if that’s it, then let’s get outta here. I’m starving.” He waited a beat, then knocked the gavel against the table when no one else had spoken. “Don’t forget the party in two days,” he said as everyone stood to leave. “Gonna be a full house. We still have logistics to work out before the other heads get here.”
The crew mumbled and lumbered out of the room, fighting for the first spot at the bar. Lucky grabbed Cecelia’s arm and gently pulled her away from the ruckus, into the relative quiet of his bedroom.
“Wanna go for a ride? Get some fresh air?”
“I’d love that,” she said and quickly changed her clothes, donning one of his Inked Menace hoodies. The sight of her wearing his club’s logo filled him with an intense pleasure.
“Come on, then, little bird. Time to fly.”
13 Chapter Thirteen
Friday night had come fast, Cecelia thought as she got dressed for the party. She’d gone shopping with Lucky and purchased a new pair of tight, show-all-your-assets jeans, and the requisite black t-shirt. She’d even purchased a pair of black leather boots with a 3.5” heel to add to the sexy wow factor. Plus, they were good for riding too.
She glanced at her man and sighed. So much had happened over the last few days, she still hadn’t wrapped her mind around it. She’d stuck to taking it minute by minute in order to not get overwhelmed. Because if she sat down, if she let her mind wander too far, hello panic attack, goodbye compartmentalization.
Lucky handed her the leather vest he’d had made for her with the club’s patches. Their fingers touched and their gazes collided, then her heart stopped for a breath. It was crazy. Intense. Passion worth fighting for, something she’d yearned for all her life.
Now she had it in spades and she was terrified.
“You good?”
She slipped on the butter-soft leather and smiled at Lucky. “Yeah. I think so. Nervous, though.”
“I’d say don’t be, but fear is a powerful motivator. Let’s use it to our advantage.”
“Okay. Is there a plan for tonight, and is there an exit strategy if shit goes south?”
His cheekbones protruded as he clenched his jaw. “Nothing’s going down tonight.” A fierce growl punctuated his statement, as if he’d single-handedly stop any attacks on her.
“Better to be safe than sorry. It’s good to have back-up plans. Kind of like in the Fast and Furious movies? You know? Plan b, c, d, e.”
“Hopefully they won’t have a tank.”
He chuckled and shook his head, walked over to stand beside her, and pressed a chaste kiss to her cheek.
“Am I going to meet your pack, Luke?”
Lucky’s face hardened and he shifted to stare out the window. “Not tonight,” he said, and bent over to finish tying his boots.
“Hammer said a few of the club’s packs and friends would be here too, just to be safe. I wondered if yours would be here too. Sorry.”
Cecelia gazed at the floor, trying to stay calm. Every time she’d asked about his previous life, he’d clammed up and changed the subject. He pretty much knew everything about her, and she still knew next to nothing about him.
Give him time, she whispered to herself. Your relationship is in its infancy, and he’s had a lot of trauma.
She shook off the thoughts and the grief. She’d had a horrible trauma too. She’d opened up, though.
She looked up and noticed he’d stopped to peruse her attire. He licked his lips. “You look gorgeous, and so fucking sexy I want to be late to our own party.”
Cecelia laughed,
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