require a quality approach to manufacturing, enabling companies to minimize or eliminate instances of contamination, mix-ups, and errors. This in turn, protects the consumer from purchasing a product which is not effective or even dangerous.”
That’s one of the biggest reasons we love these supplements and why having a GMP stamp on the products you use should help you sleep better at night.
Also, you won’t find products from these companies in mass-market supplement stores—and with good reason: products found in those stores need to come in at a certain price point to hit the right demand mark. This means, effectively, that brands must water down their products to fit the mold and make profit through those stores. By avoiding those stores and selling directly to customers, though, they’re able to keep costs down, and as a result, use the proper doses needed for the products to get you results, whether for muscle, strength, power, fat loss, energy, or vitality.
Your decision to take or skip supplements will not make or break your body—but they can be a difference maker. Although there are very few supplements that will actually help your body work more efficiently and provide that extra edge, they’re the only ones you need.
The Alpha Guide to Supplements
Protein Powder
Why You Need It
Protein is one of the foundational blocks of any good diet. It’s what helps you build muscle. It’s what helps you lose fat. And it’s what allows you to stay lean, keep full, and avoid binging on foods that you’d be wise to avoid other than on cheat days. Now, there is nothing magical about protein powders other than the fact that most people don’t eat enough protein in their diet. And these drinks, which now taste much better than they did ten years ago, can be used as a delicious way to provide your body with all the protein it needs with a dessert-like flavor. You just need to make sure that you find high-quality proteins. Research shows that the best approach is taking a blended protein powder that digests at different speeds so you make the most of the supplement.
Our Recommendations (
• BioTrust Low Carb
• Trutein
• Jay Robb
Greens Drink
Why You Need It
Everyone should be taking a multivitamin. You probably know this by now. But the rules of multivitamins have changed. The problem with multivitamins is that your body can’t take advantage of all the vitamins and minerals listed on the label, and it doesn’t absorb most of the nutrients. That’s why a greens supplement is a better route. All the nutrients are derived from whole fruits and vegetables, making it a more natural route for your body. It’s a superfood that will boost your overall health, improve your immune system, protect your digestive system, and help you fight off a variety of diseases. And those are claims that no multivitamin can make.
Our Recommendations (
• Athletic Greens
• Greens+
• VegeGreens
Fish Oil
Why You Need It
Sometimes you don’t need to rant and rave about why a product is so important to take. That’s the case with fish oil. Research has shown the following benefits:
• Less inflammation
• Improved recovery from exercise
• Less body fat
• More muscle
• Better-looking skin
• Higher sex drive
• Better brain functioning
• Less disease
Let’s cut the chitchat. Just do yourself a favor and take fish oil.
Our Recommendations (
• Athletic Greens Omega3
• Nordic Naturals
Vitamin D
Why You Need It
Men don’t get enough sunlight. And this has nothing to do with having a great tan. The sun provides your body with vitamin D, and recent research indicates that more than 40 percent of men are deficient in vitamin D, according to the journal Nutrition . This wouldn’t be an issue if vitamin D wasn’t so essential to your health. Low
Patricia Green
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