MIDNIGHT DIVINE (The Helio Trilogy Book 1)
I’m proud of you for handling
the situation the way you did… It was kind of hot,” he admits with a cheeky grin . “If I had been there, I would have beat him
within an inch of his life.”
    “Thanks, Jack.” I see his
muscles relax as he drifts off in thought. The grass in the field billows before
us for as far as I can see. I inhale a large breath through my nose and take in
my surroundings. “How many acres are out here?”
    “We have about eighty
acres,” he replies.
    My eyes widen, then the
corners of my lips rise in mischief, “Ready to pick this up, then?”
    “If you think you can
handle it,” he retorts.
    “Ha!” I bellow to Maximus
as I squeeze my calves against his sides, and he darts forward. I give him free
reign and let him run as fast as he wants for as long as he wants. Jack and I
take turns taking the lead as we ride. The wind in my face and the thrill of
the ride overcomes my senses with complete bliss. When I think we’ll run out of
land to run, we slow back down to a walking pace.
    “I don’t think I’ve ever
seen you this happy,” Jack notes.
    I can’t stop smiling, my
face is numb from the wind, and my cheeks burn from their overuse. “I don’t
think I’ve been this happy in a long time. I’ve missed this. Thank you, Jack.”
    “Well, let’s stop here.
I’ve got some food for us, and there’s a trough just over by that set of trees.
We can tie off over there and take a break,” he instructs and directs us to the
shade of the trees. Jack dismounts Andromeda and comes over to help me down. I
swing my right leg over Max's back and step down as Jack grabs my waist to help
lower me to the ground. My knees buckle beneath me, and I giggle as
Jack holds me up from collapsing.
    “Whoa,” I chuckle. “I guess
we should have stopped sooner.” Jack holds me up until I can stand on my own
shaky legs. We tie our horses off to the trees so they can cool off in the
shade and drink some water. When Jack comes back to the other side of
Andromeda, he's holding a small satchel. “What’s that?”
    “Lunch.” He opens the
satchel, pulls out fruit salad, bottled water, and four red apples, setting
them on the ground. Then, he shakes a blanket out, constructing a makeshift
picnic for us to sit on.
    “You're too much,” I
    Jack beams and hands me a
bottle of water. We eat our lunch in comfortable silence while we enjoy each other’s
company in the peaceful landscape around us. I look over to Jack to see he has
a serious look on his face.
    “What?” I pry. Something
appears to be bothering him.
    “Do you ever feel like you
were meant for a bigger purpose?” he utters in a low voice.
    “Whoa, Jack. Are we getting
deep here?” I joke.
    Jack turns to me, straight
faced. “I’m serious. I mean, you’re about to turn twenty. Your life's going to
change. Do you honestly want to keep up with your reckless habits? Or do you
want to turn yourself around and accomplish something significant? Who do you
want to be, Ivy?”
    “Where's this coming from?” What a cliché he’s using to ‘keep me clean’. Jack doesn’t answer me as
he waits for my reply. “Look. I’ve never been the type to plan ahead. I've always
gone with the flow and enjoyed my life.”
    “Enjoy? Like how you’re
always running from something?” He knows I’m paranoid. Anxiety builds in my throat, making it tight and hard to breath . “What are you running from, Ivy?” My mouth hangs
open. “You can tell me. I promise not to judge. We all have our own skeletons.”
    I know I'm going to sound
insane when I tell him the truth. Alright. Here we go. This will surely test
his friendship towards me. “I…I smoke pot because it keeps away my
paranoia. I know that’s odd, because most people claim it makes them paranoid,
but not me. It numbs my senses. I can see myself from a different perspective
and navigate through my fears easier.” I can’t look him in the eyes from the
fear he’ll think I'm crazy.

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