MIDNIGHT DIVINE (The Helio Trilogy Book 1)
minutes of silence before I get the nerve to speak again. “I’m glad you
convinced me to be friends with you. I’ve had a lot of fun here with you.” I
turn into his side and wrap my arm around his waist. I'm drunk and barley
making any sense. “I feel safe here…with you.”
    Jack turns to face me and
stares into my eyes without speaking. I feel myself being drawn to him. He
caresses my cheek with his fingertips, leaving tingling trails behind the
ghosts of his touch. I close my eyes. As I feel sleep take me over, I sense
Jack kiss my forehead and hear him whisper, “Goodnight, Sunshine.”

Chapter 6
    The warmth of the sun
offsets the chill in the air while I enjoy breakfast from Jack on my balcony
again. My robe slides down to reveal the naked skin of my shoulder as I drink
my coffee and watch the sun rise higher over the open acreage before me. My phone
beeps with a text message.
    Jack: I left something 4 u outside ur door.
    I slink across the bedroom,
readjusting my robe before I open the door leading to the hallway. There are
two white boxes at my feet and an envelope laying on top with my name written
elegantly in black ink. I bring the packages inside and place them on the bed.
I open the envelope, my smile grow ing as I read Jack’s
    Good Morning , Sunshine,
    I hope I got your sizes
right. Meet me in the barn. -Jack
    I lay the note down on the
nightstand and open the top box first. Inside is a black pair of English riding
pants and a white sleeveless blouse with charming pearl snaps down the front. I
hold the outfit up to me, and I'm certain they’ll fit well. I know right away
that Jack's planning to take me riding. Little did he know, I've been dying to
ride since I noticed the horses roaming his property. I took lessons as a young
girl and missed the feeling of the freedom. The next box I open contains a pair
of tall black riding boots. I drop my robe to the floor and squeeze the pants
on first. They fit perfect and snug, hugging the curves of my body. My insides
flutter with excitement.
    After dressing, I approach
the mirror in the bathroom and plait my hair. I lean closer into my reflection,
examining the butterfly stitch above my brow. I lift the edge of the stitch
away from my skin for a peek at the damage. It's gone. Not so much as a red
line is visible. I pull the rest of the stitch away from my skin and turn my
face at different angles, thinking it's a trick of the light. There's nothing.
As if it never happened. What the...? I twist my arm in front of me and
remove the bandage across my elbow to reveal smooth skin. I’m going crazy. I
know I elbowed him! I know Jack cleaned me up! Where else would the bandages
come from? Did I imagine it all? It's gone. Like I thought I sliced my face
open two weeks ago when my guitar string popped. I could have sworn I was
scarred for life. There was blood, but no mark the next day . I’m a freak!
What the hell's going on with me?
    I let out an audible sigh
and take my time calming myself down before I leave the house. Wondering around
the side of the manor to the barn's entrance, I search for Jack. “Jack?” I call
out, but I don’t see him anywhere. Dust glitters through the sunbeams shining
across the barn like a million fireflies as I inch down the stalls. Peeking
into each one, I find most are empty. A white Mustang in the last stall catches
my eye. “You’re a beauty!” I tell the stallion. His coat is so bright it
appears to glow, and I imagine he's almost sixteen hands tall. He pushes his
gray nose to the gate of his stall, and I offer my hand for him to smell. When
he's satisfied, I rub his nose, fascinated with his beauty. “Good boy,” I coo.
    “That’s Maximus,” Jack
claims from behind me.
    “He’s gorgeous!” I exclaim
with a gleam burning my cheeks as I continue to pet his snout. “Are you taking
me riding?”
    “Actually, I thought maybe
you could help me clean the stalls.”
    I spin around to Jack, and
my face

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