Minimize Me: 10 Diets to Lose 25 Lbs in 50 Days
the grand climax I had hoped for. In my mind I had pictured me
scrabbling around on the final few days trying anything I could to achieve
those extra few ounces to help me towards my goal. I was hoping that somehow
there might be a magical twist or a final reveal, but alas, it wasn’t to be.
It’s like a football team securing the league title with a few games to spare.
Sure, it’s a fantastic achievement, but it’s not quite the same as snatching
the title from your local rivals on the final day of the season is it?
    The calorie-controlled diet has better
flexibility than most diets and leaves you feeling like you’re in full control.
It’s the perfect diet if you feel like you can’t go without the odd luxury and
is a fantastic diet for control-freaks like me. The diet can be made even
easier if you decide to embrace technology, and I’ve proved that the odd
slip-up won’t derail things completely. Once again, I wouldn’t suggest that
this is a long-term solution to weight-loss and in fact my nutritionist, Louis,
discourages calorie-counting on the basis that people can easily become
obsessed. He says that a calorie is purely a unit of energy and so it is
actually far more important to know which food groups your calories are coming
from and whether you are balancing them correctly. He cites as an example the
fact that a Diet Coke has very few calories compared to an avocado, but which
should you be choosing for the sake of your health? Incidentally, I’ve booked a
holiday next year between the 5th and 12th of April, so if you’re thinking of
booking yours and are keen for good weather, you may want to steer clear of
those dates.
    Starting Weight: 14 stone 3.5 lbs
    Finishing Weight: 14 stone 1.5 lbs
    Weight loss: 2 lbs
    % of body weight lost: 1.0 %
    Faffiness: 2/10
    Difficulty: 2/10
    Would I do it again? Yes
    Total weight lost: 26.5 lbs

    These two photo’s show the difference
after eight diets

Diet 9 - The Grapefruit Diet
    Saturday 29th November to Wednesday 3rd
    Weight: 14 stone 1.5 lbs
    On the face of it, the grapefruit diet
should be right down my alley. For starters, I love grapefruit. It’s one of
those fruits which divides people – they either seem to love it or hate it.
It’s the Marmite of the fruit world, and as I don’t like Marmite it seems only
fair that I should like grapefruit. My wife, on the other hand, loves Marmite
and hates grapefruit. I’ve never met anyone who either likes or hates both.
Feel free to get in touch if you do – I’d be interested to see if any such
people exist. ([email protected])
    Another reason for me warming to the
grapefruit diet is the fact that I can drink as much black coffee as I like; in
fact it’s positively encouraged. As I researched the diet further, I was happy
to see that they encouraged you to eat protein in the form of eggs, and I was
happy to see that toast was also on the menu. To be honest, grapefruit, coffee
and eggs on toast is my ideal breakfast and if I were served that at a hotel, I
would consider it a little treat and certainly not a diet. Maybe this is the
perfect diet for me to start eating a healthy breakfast again?
    As I read on the full details of the
diet started to become clear and I suddenly became far less enthusiastic. It
turns out that this is just another one of those diets on which I have to
drastically limit my daily calorie intake. Somehow, I’d have to spend the next
five days limiting myself to just 800 calories. The problem I have with that is
that if I’m limiting myself to just 800 calories, surely it’s that in itself
which will help me lose the weight rather than the grapefruit. This is not so
much the grapefruit diet plan, more the 800 calories a day diet plan.
    I read on and I was encouraged to see
that there was an alternative. The original grapefruit diet that limited
calories to 800 a day was popularised

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