each other. We love you, Adam.”
She could be so sweet when she put her mind to it, I thought as I carried my clothes to the bedroom.
I heard the shower and considered joining Luna. Second thoughts took over and I decided I was more hungry than horny. I pulled the jeans on. I hadn’t gone commando since I was in high school, but not one package of underwear could be found in the boxes and bags of supplies. I did find a toothbrush in one of the boxes from the Goldens.
I was pulling on my socks when a scantily clad Luna came in from the bathroom. She smiled at me as she got her clothes from the closet. “You really are trying to avoid going to breakfast, aren’t you?” I asked.
She smiled at my shyly over her shoulder. “Not really.”
I picked her up and spun her around once. “You’re a tease, Luna McIntyre.”
She kissed me full on the mouth, nipping my lower lip, “Maybe I am. Maybe I’m not.”
I set her down and gave her bottom a tap. “Get dressed. I’m starving and today’s the day Samson makes his homemade jelly doughnuts.”
Luna was buttoning her shirt and laughing as I walked out of the bedroom.
The diner was filling up with early risers when we arrived. The waitress brought us each a cup of coffee and promised to bring us each a fresh doughnut.
People were staring as we sat looking at the menu. “What the hell is wrong with this town?” I growled at Luna.
She turned to face the restaurant, smiled her sweetest smile and waved.
“What the fuck are you doing? Now, everyone is going to want to come over and say hello,” I whispered.
When she turned the smile on me, I knew there would be no resisting her.
“I know. That is the plan. They don’t know what to say except they’re sorry. This is your town, babe. This is your family whether you like it or not.”
I raised the menu to block my view of the people.
The waitress brought us each a couple of blackberry filled jelly doughnuts. “Samson says if you want to complain about the filling, he’ll toss them in the garbage before you’ll get to eat them.”
I laughed out loud. If anyone could defuse my temper, it would be that grouchy old bear.
“Tell him if this is the best he’s got, then we’ll settle for it, I guess.” My eyes followed her as she took my message to Samson who was behind the grill this morning.
Samson poked his head through and gave me a little salute. All seemed right in my world.
I ordered pancakes and sausage for my breakfast. Luna ordered oatmeal and wheat toast. As we sipped our coffee, people began to come over to chat. Most just wondered if there was anything they could do. Luna told them about the cook-out at the former trailer site as soon as it started to warm up. I glared at her. This was supposed to be a small affair or so I thought. There were quite a few people who stated that they’d heard about the clean-up from the sheriff. I shook my head. Damn Bowie!
The waitress had just brought our food. Samson decided that I needed to eat healthier so instead of my pancakes and sausage, I got oatmeal and wheat toast. Luna snorted as she realized what that damn bear had done. I poured honey on my oatmeal and added some milk. I had taken my first bite when Rock McIntyre and a few of his pack strolled in.
He stopped short when he saw Luna and I. He swallowed hard and came over to the table.
“Good morning, princess,” he said as he kissed the top of his daughter’s head. He looked at me and said, “Adam, I’m real sorry to hear what happened to your place last night. Is there anything we can do to help you out?”
Luna gestured at me to close my mouth.
“I don’t know, Rock. We’re just sifting through stuff at the moment.”
“Madeline wanted me to tell Bowie about an empty cottage on pack lands, if you wanted to use it until you re-build, but I guess I can tell you instead.”
Luna eyes grew wide, but she kept her mouth shut as she turned her attention to
Gayle Laakmann McDowell
Michael Arnold
Franklin W. Dixon
Grace Metalious
Michael Rosen
Terra Wolf, Artemis Wolffe, Wednesday Raven, Steffanie Holmes, Christy Rivers, Alannah Blacke, Cara Wylde, Ever Coming, Annora Soule, Crystal Dawn
Lisa Smedman
Deborah Bladon
Rita Hestand
Sheryl Berk