regardless, desperate for
some sign of genuine need on his part.
"I want you, Cassie. I've wanted you since the first time I kissed you."
He made the statement almost savagely, as if he weren't particularly
proud of the fact. "Tonight I'm going to satisfy that want," he vowed.
She watched, shivering in the cold air of the room, as he unfastened his
jeans and stepped out of them with an impatient attitude. The lightning
crashed again, illuminating the full length of his hard, lean body, revealing
the undeniable evidence of his desire.
Again Cassie reached for the quilt, this time out of some vague notion of
protecting herself. He was so strong and hard and dangerous. What had
made her so weak a few moments ago? Why hadn't she run while she'd
had the chance? Now she was at the mercy of a man she barely knew, a
man who had every reason to be enraged because of what she had done to
"Do you feel helpless, Cassie?" he drawled softly as he slowly came down
beside her on the bed and put out a hand to shape her breast. "Are you a
little scared? Frightened of what's happening between us? I can see it in
your eyes and in the way your lips are trembling. But you can't stop it now,
Cassie. It's gone too far. If you weren't prepared for this, then you should
never have come to my room tonight."
Yet again she tried to find the words to explain what had actually
driven her to seek him out, but there was no time left to talk. His mouth
was back on hers, his tongue moving with imperious strokes to sample
what lay behind her lips. The cloud of his crisp chest hair brushed her
breasts as he lay sprawled across her body and his muscular thighs pinned
her to the bed.
There was no option. She could not escape, and deep in her heart she
didn't want to. Cassie's fingers fluttered nervously along the contours of
his back and then began to blindly clutch at him as her passion rose with
each caress. He wanted her. There was no way he could deny it and he
wasn't raping her. She had come to his room uninvited and she hadn't left
while there'd been a chance to do so. Because, when all was said and done,
she wanted him just as badly as he seemed to want her.
Accepting the inevitable result of their mutual attraction, Cassie gave
herself up to the totally unique experience of this man's lovemaking. Never
had she felt such uncontrollable, illogical desire. Never had she clung like
this to a man. Her nails were gripping his shoulders ruthlessly as he
groaned in response, urging her to even more primitive actions.
Her body quivered with the force of the need she felt, a need that was
completely new. When his thigh moved to push between hers she
surrendered, twining her leg around his and holding him closer than ever.
"You're so soft and so full of fire. Everything I dreamed you'd be," Justin
muttered, raining harsh little kisses down her shoulders and over her
breasts. She gasped as his teeth lightly closed around one nipple, and
when he felt the uncertain anticipation in her body he began to use his
tongue to soothe her unspoken fears.
Cassie relaxed again, not really sure why she had momentarily tensed.
Was it because a part of her still feared him? Perhaps. In any event this
was not the time to analyze her reaction. His mouth was playing wondrous
havoc on her skin and she began to arch her body toward him. The soft
moans that came from far back in her throat were primitive cries of need
and surrender. Justin reacted to them fiercely.
His hands dug into her buttocks, making her gasp again, this time with
spiraling desire. Then he trailed his fingers around to the soft, heated
place between her legs and Cassie reacted with helpless abandon.
"That's it, honey," he muttered, "give yourself. Let me have all of you.
I'm going to take everything, Cassie. Everything." His fingers traced erotic
patterns along her inner thighs and back to the heart of her desire. He was
sending her beyond the reach of
Ramsey Campbell
Ava Armstrong
Jenika Snow
Susan Hayes
A.D. Bloom
Robert Wilde
Mariah Stewart
Maddy Edwards
Don Pendleton
Sulari Gentill