No One to Trust

No One to Trust by Iris Johansen

Book: No One to Trust by Iris Johansen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Iris Johansen
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challenge.” Morgan shook Dominic’s hand before turning his gaze on Galen. “Any news for me from Logan?”
    Galen shook his head. “Not yet.”
    “Damn.” He turned back toward the house. “I’ll show you to your rooms. It’s a surprisingly nice place considering Galen’s lack of good taste.”
    “Mama, may I go to the barn?” Barry asked.
    She couldn’t resist the eagerness in his expression. “For a little while. You need a bath before dinner.”
    “He’ll have plenty of time.” Galen took his hand and they turned away. “I’m planning a gourmet meal for our first night. Perfection doesn’t happen without effort.”
    “Neither does modesty,” Morgan murmured.
    “Come on, Barry. This denigration of my sterling character isn’t for your ears.”
    Morgan led Elena and Dominic into the house. A cathedral ceiling gave the living room an open, airy look and the chenille-upholstered furniture provided a contrasting coziness.
    “Five bedrooms, four baths on the second floor,” Morgan said. “Game room, library, kitchen, dining room, living room, and several other rooms on the main. Do you want the grand tour or to see just your bedrooms?”
    “The bedrooms,” Elena said.
    Morgan nodded and led them toward the staircase. “The first bedroom on the right has a smaller adjoining room. I thought you’d want to take that one for you and the boy.”
    Elena nodded. “That will be fine.”
    He threw open the door and stepped aside. “Galen said to get all of you enough clothes to see you through your stay here. They’re already in the closets and chests. I had to rely on Galen’s eye, so blame him if they don’t fit.” He gestured to a door across the hall. “Your room, Mr. Sanders. If either of you has any problems or questions, let me know. I’ll see you at dinner.” He turned and left them.
    “Interesting man.” Dominic was looking after him. “And an interesting contrast between him and Galen.”
    Like a granite slab and a glittering mirror, Elena thought. Either one could damage you under the right circumstances. “I don’t like Galen not telling us about Morgan.”
    “You would have objected to having anyone you didn’t know here. Maybe he thought it would be more reassuring if you met him first.”
was not a word she’d use in connection with Judd Morgan. “He obviously lets him have the run of the place. He may trust him, but I have no reason to.”
    “Galen hasn’t been wrong yet. Give him a chance.” Dominic crossed the hall and opened his bedroom door. “You know, I like this place. It reminds me of our house.”
    Except that it was ten times bigger. But she knew what he meant. There was a simplicity of design and an air of comfort that was homelike. She liked it too. Much better than Logan’sluxurious penthouse where they’d spent last night. “It’s very nice.”
    She closed the door and went over to the window. She could see the large barn from here, and it looked as neat and well cared for as the rest of the property. A barn and pets and enough ground for a child to run. Their stay here might not be so bad.
    Her gaze lifted to the surrounding countryside. You could see for miles and miles. Was that why Galen had bought this property? She’d received the impression from Forbes that Galen’s past had been shady at best and he was extremely wary. So wary that even when he relaxed he needed to know what was coming toward him?
    My God, was she feeling sorry for him? It was good for her and Barry that he’d lived a life that had made him build this stronghold. She mustn’t think beyond that truth.
    Barry came running into the house an hour later.
    “Here.” She came to the head of the staircase. “Did you enjoy it?” She could see that he had. Straw was sticking out of his hair and his expression was glowing. “How many kittens were there?”
    “Three.” He ran up the stairs. “But the dog … Mac. He rolled over and let me rub his

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