weapon at all, chances were that his ability would manifest and no amount of weaponry would be able to rescue them.
“If we are going to rescue Andral and Ivanus, then we must move.” Riad shined the light from his massive weapon before them into a dark tunnel and heading in a quickened pace through the mouth of its entrance. “These beasts may take their revenge on them because of our defiance. Wasting time here is not an option.”
As Julieth clicked the UV light on, watching it illuminate from the barrel of one of the guns, she witnessed Vrax finish repairing a gash in the side of Riad’s head and then move quickly down his side before attaching and forming once more to his calf. A shiver ran through her as she witnessed it. How old is he? she wondered. Is he even from this world?
Once more, worry for the weakened populace of Olan played in her heart. She turned briefly before following after Riad with Bayne by her side. “Follow us!” she shouted back at the cowering people in the dark recesses of the temple chamber. Follow at a distance! We may not return to this place, and we could be your only hope of survival!”
Howls echoed through the dark of the passage as they moved, mixed with the sound of something dragging against the stone floor. Behind them Julieth could also hear the sound of people following them. Their movements sounded like a mass of insects, the noise echoing in the distant dark.
Julieth’s legs burned as they walked quickly. She beat her wings gently, taking to the air just barely above the ground, flying near Riad and Bayne.
In the light from Riad’s gun she saw something move from one side of the tunnel to the other, its form morphing from beast to man and then back again as it left the light. Before she had the chance to speak Riad adjusted his weapon, locking on to the creature again and firing.
A haunting scream, half beast and half man, released from the thing’s lips as electricity scorched its chest, charring it as it struck lifelessly to the ground.
“Move!” Riad instructed. “I see more moving in the darkness along the walls with my cybernetic eye. We need to reach them before more mass against us.”
With a thrust of her wings, Julieth flew beyond Riad, traveling above the light of his weapon’s beam, with her own guns aimed at the darkness before her. A low rumble resonated as she moved, growing in noise quickly.
A moment later Riad’s light adjusted and an electric surge decimated a small beast on the tunnel floor that transformed into a young man before crumbling to ash.
“Look out!” Riad shouted to her from somewhere behind.
She swooped down, landing on the rock floor and aiming her light in a quick circle around her, trying to discover the danger. Nothing.
“Above!” Riad’s voice rang in an answer.
As she aimed the guns and the light upward she saw the beasts clasping with their claws to the rock. Their bodies twisted and morphed to human form, causing them to lose their grip and fall into the darkness around her. Electricity pricked over her as she blasted a beast that had fallen at pointblank range before her. Then, a moment later, something massive struck her to the ground, its weight crushing her lungs, pinning her down.
She struggled against it, firing the non-UV light gun at its maw before being struck by its claws in the back. Pain surged up her spine as the thing made contact. Something wet dripped down over her face. As it entered her mouth Julieth realized it was blood.
Suddenly it clamped onto her back with its canines. Blood surged through her body toward the intrusion.
“Help me!” Julieth screeched in pain.
A sudden explosion of UV light flooded over them, followed by multiple blasts of electricity that struck into the bodies of morphing beasts around her. The one above her held her firm, then went limp as she heard tearing flesh. It tumbled to the ground beside her.
Julieth breathed heavy, each breath pained and thick as she
Heidi McLaughlin
Lawrence Block
Anne Stuart
Mimi Riser
Christopher Smith
Rebecca Walker
Jeanne Mackin
RS Black
Gene Wolfe
Lynsay Sands