What Praying in Tongues Does
Helps us remember that God is always with us.
Speaking in tongues is a great way to stay aware of God in our everyday life. We feel comfortable and secure knowing He is with us all the time. (Heb. 13:6.)
Allows the Holy Spirit to help us.
The Holy Spirit is our helper. He has been called alongside us to help. The Holy Spirit is not doing the praying; we are. Yet He is helping us. That means more of our prayers are being answered. (John 14:16 NAS.)
Helps us know what to pray about.
There are times that we cannot think of how to pray. Our minds cannot think the problem out. Yet, thank God, the Holy Spirit knows all truth and leads our spirit in the exact prayer that is right for the situation. (Rom. 8:26.)
Helps us pray according to God's will.
Sometimes on their own people don't pray God's will. They don't do it on purpose, they just don't know the right way to pray. But the Holy Spirit searches the mind of God, prays according to His will, and leads you in a prayer that always works. (Rom. 8:27.)
Helps us increase our faith.
The Bible tells us that we build up ourselves on our most holy faith, praying in the Spirit. It's like the Holy Spirit supercharges our faith when we pray in tongues. It would be like trying to saw a limb of a tree with a saw. It might take you until dinner time to get done sawing. But if you break out the chainsaw, you will be done before you break a sweat. (Jude 1:20.)
Builds your spirit up.
As a kid I used to love playing with battery operated toys until the batteries began to get low. The toys would slow down and lose their power. We are like that, too. When we spend a lot of time giving to the work of God, our spirits get weaker like a battery does in a toy. Praying in tongues helps us to recharge our batteries. Praying in other tongues builds us up in every area of our lives. (Jude 1:20.)
Helps you pray about the future.
One of the jobs of the Holy Spirit is to show us "things to come." When we pray in tongues we can get a sneak preview of what God is about to do. Now, you won't know who won the Super Bowl in advance, but you can understand what's coming ahead for your life. (Jer. 29:11.)
Finishing Strong
History is full of examples of what men and women full of the Holy Spirit have been able to accomplish for God. You can accomplish great things, too! Pray often in the Spirit, and you will see your life in Christ grow beyond your wildest dreams. It's up to you. When you pray in tongues, the impossible becomes possible.
Share this precious gift with your friends. This gift is for everyone from the new believer to those who have been Christians for a long time. This gift is for the Charismatic churches, the Methodists, the Catholics, the Baptists, the Presbyterians, and the list goes on and on. If someone knows Jesus as his or her Savior, the person should know the Holy Spirit as a helper as well as a power source to help the person do what God wants him or her to do.
Prayer of Salvation
Father, I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins. I believe that He rose from the dead so that I can live with Him forever. I ask You to forgive me of my sins. I ask You to come into my heart and be the Lord (boss) of my life. I confess with my mouth that I am born again. Thank You for saving me. Amen.
About the Author
PASTOR ROD BAKER has served for over 20 years in children's and outreach ministry. He currently serves as director of the children ministries at Victory Christian Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He ministers to more than 4,000 children each week through children's church, bus ministry, Sidewalk Sunday School Trucks, and Kidz Clubs, as well as a food pantry which feeds over 2,000 people a month.
Under Rod's direction, the Victory Kidz School of Ministry is training up children's and youth workers for this millennium, while his newly developed "Leaders in Training" program is producing the same from our inner city youth. Rod has successfully
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