tangible that I could almost feel Xavier’s fingers in my hair, taste him on my tongue.
I had a choice to make that night. I could fuck a nameless man who I’d forget a few hours later or I could take care of business myself and hope that I wasn’t alone in the bone-deep attraction I felt when I was with Xavier. It seemed as if there really wasn’t an option after all. I broke eye contact with the man and signaled for my check. I picked up the phone and called my brother so the guy wouldn’t get the impression that I was asking for my bill so I could leave with him.
“Have you ever been in love?” I asked Van when he answered the phone.
“I’m trailing a cheating wife, which is why I haven’t called you tonight with the information. Can I call you back?”
“Wait, is it our mother?”
Van laughed drily on the other end. “As if father gives a damn who she’s sleeping with as long as it’s not him.”
“True, and it’s not like he hasn’t had the same mistress for the past five years or longer. Hell, we could have other siblings,” I amended sarcastically. “Seriously, Van, have you ever been in love or do you think our parents have killed any possibility of us having a normal, healthy relationship?” I chewed on my lip while I waited for his answer. I wanted to believe that I could have what Chase and Gray had someday, but our primary example of what relationships looked like was seriously jacked up.
“I’ve never been in love and I don’t know if I’m capable of love, but I’m not sure the same can be said about you , Ben. Daniel and Beverly had less of an impact and power over you, because you refused to conform to their rules and demands. It’s not just them either.” Bevan blew out a frustrated breath. “Let’s not forget what I do for a living, bro. I’ve yet to investigate a suspected case of cheating that turns up as an honest misunderstanding between spouses. So, I doubt I could ever truly trust someone after witnessing the monstrosity of a marriage between our pathetic parents and all these cheating asshats.” I could always count on my brother to be honest even if I didn’t always like his answers. “Have you met someone special, Ben?”
How the fuck was I supposed to answer his question? Yes, I met someone who piqued my interest and I believed that he was special, but the fact remained that nothing might ever come out of it. I wasn’t a defeatist so I wasn’t giving up, but I’d be an idiot if I didn’t at least acknowledge that Xavier’s scars might run too deep for him to ever trust again. I wanted to be the one he leaned on and trusted with all of his secrets, but wanting and wishing wouldn’t make it so.
“It’s complicated, Bevan. I want him to be special to me, but I’m not sure he feels the same way.” My answer was honest, even though it hurt to admit out loud. It was good to talk to my brother about how I was feeling, because everyone else I could turn to also knew Xavier as a friend or brother.
“It sounds like you just need to give him some time and space,” Van answered when I was done talking. “Ben?”
“Just be careful, okay? It sounds like this guy was into something pretty bad in LA and I don’t want you getting sucked into something that could cause you to end up hurt.” His big-brother concern made me smile. “Do you want me to do some looking around for you to put both of our minds at ease?”
“Jesus, not everyone is a fucking cheater or criminal.” I immediately regretted the defensive way I spoke to my brother when he was only looking out for me. I expelled a frustrated breath and lightened my tone when I said, “He’s a good guy, Van.”
“I’m not saying that he isn’t, Ben. There are a lot of good people who’ve made a bad decision or two and it’s caused them a lot of hurt. You’re the only family I have and I’m just asking you to be cautious. I’ll respect your wishes if you respect mine and be
Ramsey Campbell
Ava Armstrong
Jenika Snow
Susan Hayes
A.D. Bloom
Robert Wilde
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Don Pendleton
Sulari Gentill