stupidly allowed her and Delphine to see it tonight…
The Fault in Our Stars
“I don’t know it.”
“I thought it was for kids, but trust me, it’s not. It’s sort of like a modern-day retelling of
Love Story
“Oh no. Young love, tragic ending?”
“You have no idea. When I began to realize where it was headed, I tried turning the movie off, but the girls screamed bloody murder, so I let them keep watching. Chloe’s obsessed with the guy in the film, this goofy blond kid. But then in the end…oh God.”
“In the end you had two weeping girls?”
“Sobbing uncontrollably. I think Delphine’s traumatized for life.”
“Charlie Wu! She’s eight years old! What on earth were you thinking?” Astrid scolded.
“I know, I know. I was lazy, I saw the DVD cover and read the first two lines on the back. It looked harmless.”
“You might as well have put on
A Clockwork Orange
for them.”
“I’m a bad father, Astrid. That’s why I need you in my life. The girls need you. They need a good, sensible influence around.”
“Ha! I don’t think my mum would agree with that statement.”
“They’re going to love you, Astrid. I just know it. And they’re going to love Cassian too.”
“We’re going to be the Asian Brady Bunch, minus a few kids.”
“I can’t wait. By the way, I had a really good meeting with Isabel’s lawyers yesterday. They don’t have any more objections, thank God. You know, in a strange way the stunt Isabel pulled in Singapore has worked to our advantage. Her lawyers were so afraid that I’d try to get full custody of the girls that they’ve withdrawn most of their demands and are willing to settle now.”
“That’s the best news I’ve heard all week,” Astrid said, closing her eyes for a moment. Slowly but surely, she was beginning to see her life with Charlie come into focus. She pictured herself cuddled up next to him on their new bed in their beautiful new house in Shek O, far from the crowds of Hong Kong or Singapore, bathed in moonlight and listening to the waves crashing against the rocks on the cliffs far below. She could picture Chloe and Delphine watching an age-appropriate movie in the media room with their new stepbrother, Cassian, passing a big pint of gelato amongst themselves.
Charlie’s voice suddenly jarred her out of her daydream. “Hey, I’m going to India tomorrow. Visiting our new factories in Bangalore, and then I have to attend this charity polo match in Jodhpur that we’re sponsoring. Why don’t you come for the weekend?”
“This weekend?”
“Yeah. We can stay at the Umaid Bhawan Palace. Have you ever been there? It’s one of the most gorgeous palaces in the world, and the Taj group now runs it as a very exclusive hotel. Shivraj, the future maharaja, is a good friend, and I’m sure we’ll be treated like royalty,” Charlie said.
“Sounds tempting, but there’s no way I can leave Singapore right now with Ah Ma so sick.”
“Isn’t she feeling a bit better? And didn’t you say that a million relatives have descended on Tyersall Park? They’re not going to miss you for two or three days.”
“It’s precisely because so many relatives are in town that they’ll need me. It’s my duty to help entertain everyone.”
“Sorry, I realize I’m being extremely selfish. You’re a total saint for your family. I just miss you so much.”
“I miss you too. I can’t believe it’s been more than a month since we’ve seen each other! But between my grandmother and everything going on with Isabel and Michael and our lovely legal teams, don’t you think it’s better for us to lay low and not to be seen together right now?”
“Who’s going to know we’re in India? I’m flying into Mumbai, you can fly straight to Jodhpur, and we’ll be totally secluded at the hotel. In fact, if things go according to my plan, we’re not going to ever leave our room the entire weekend.”
“If things go according to your plan?
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