be more than ready to return home. I certainly am looking forward to the peace and quiet of our world.”
T HE BOOKSTORE WAS tucked away in a small wing of the mall. Mari knew about books but had never actually handled one. Grabbing Maopa by the arm, she dragged her through the open doors and then stopped in front of a large display of picture calendars.
"This is amazing." Her eyes moved from one photo topic to another. Reaching out, she gently ran her fingertips across the smooth front-page photo of an artist's rendition of a dragon. Painted in vibrant colors, the creature seemed to be staring at her.
"And to think that once they were real." She sighed softly.
"There actually be dragons?" Maopa asked.
"Yes. A long time ago. Not many, mind you, but enough to have survived if they hadn't been hunted down and destroyed."
"I figgered they was just stories, made up for the youngins."
"They were magnificent creatures and highly intelligent. Unfortunately, their one weakness was the need to hibernate in the winter. Humans hunted them in their lairs and killed them out of fear and ignorance. Dragons were like all living things. All they wanted was to grow up, find mates, raise their young, and grow old. Most of all, they wanted to live their lives soaring high above the land and seas, enjoying a freedom no human could ever experience or imagine."
"That be the way of things."
"Yes, unfortunately, many things have been lost or destroyed over time."
Strolling through the aisles, Mari gazed in awe at the thousands of books lining the shelves.
"So many words, so many thoughts," she murmured, almost to herself. "Can you imagine what it must be like to put your thoughts down in a physical form like this? How tedious it must be."
"It shore be a lot of work, I'll give yah that."
Stopping in front of the history section, she pulled out several books, glanced at the cover pages, and turned them over.
"History books. Moments in time. Can anyone describe what really happens when they see only one piece of such a huge puzzle?" Mari was just thinking out loud and wasn't looking for an answer to her question.
She put the books back in their proper places, and they moved on toward another section. A smile appeared on the Earth Mother's face.
"Look at these. Aren't they wonderful?" She picked up a large, thin book with a comical looking creature standing on a colorful pointed mountain. She flipped open the pages and began reading the lines.
"Dr. Seuss. I've heard of him. Listen to this. 'Oh the Places You'll Go'...."
Speaking softly, she read the entire story to Maopa. Her voice was low and gentle, filled with awe at the feeling the words instilled. When she finished, she slowly closed the book and ran her hand over the cover almost lovingly. A quiet applause surprised her. Glancing around, she saw several people smiling and then moving away, each seemingly touched by the moment.
"He shore do have a way with the words."
"Yes, he does. I think I'll buy this."
Maopa smiled but didn't say anything. Another cover caught Mari's attention. It displayed a man, a woman, and several funny looking dinosaurs eating plants. As she read the story inside, she frowned and then laughed out loud.
"Humans have such vivid imaginations. They are so good at telling fairy tales. Listen."
She quickly read a few passages from the story. "Can you believe someone actually believes dinosaurs lived in harmony with Adam and Eve?"
Maopa snickered.
"And this author thinks they were all vegetarians."
"I heerd about this awhile back. They calls it intelleegent somethin' or other. It be the latest explanashun of how thangs came tah be."
It was Mari's turn to snicker. "Like I said, humans have great imaginations. Let's pay for my book and check out Victoria's Secret. According to the magazine ads, they have
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