Sea of the Wind, Shore of the Maze, Chapter 7

Sea of the Wind, Shore of the Maze, Chapter 7 by Kaze no Umi Meikyuu no Kishi Book 2

Book: Sea of the Wind, Shore of the Maze, Chapter 7 by Kaze no Umi Meikyuu no Kishi Book 2 Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kaze no Umi Meikyuu no Kishi Book 2
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were suggesting something.
    --He didn't feel this was lucky at all.
    Youka lay flat on the floor and paid her proper respects. "Tai Taiho, the auspicious time has arrived."
    "All right..." For Taiki, this felt like he was about to participate in a funeral procession.
    A worried Youka looked up and asked, "What's wrong? Did you not sleep well yesterday?"
    Taiki was unable to respond. He hadn't slept at all.
    In a moment, he was about to climb to the summit of Mt. Hou with Gyousou. After waiting there and  receiving the Tenchoku, Gyousou would formally become king with the approval of the Heavens.
    ...It's certain that he'll be found out to be a fraud.
    Taiki wasn't clear on how the ceremony would proceed. He just knew that the Heavens would  certainly not forgive him for the crime he had committed.
    Later, it would be charged that Gyousou was not the king, and Taiki would be censured because he  had falsely sworn an oath to Gyousou that made him the king.
    He could not imagine what kind of punishment awaited him, but this was all Taiki's fault; none of the  blame lay on Gyousou. At the right time, he planned to accept responsibility for all of his transgressions. It  was not necessary for receive a condemnation.
    With his brain full of such thoughts, there was definitely no way for him to fall asleep.
    Youka looked intently at Taiki and reached her hands out while she knelt upon the floor. Taiki  silently walked to Youka's side.
    Youka gently rubbed Taiki's hair. "It's still too short..."
    "Is it?"
    "Yes. Don't think that us nyosen didn't notice. It's not easy to change into such a beautiful kirin. It's  too bad your mane isn't long enough..."
    Taiki comprehended that Youka was referring to his transformation, and couldn't help but nod. "Did  you see it clearly?"

    The night of the transformation he hadn't thought to give the nyosen a good look at him--whether it  was the nyosen or he himself, they had both once anticipated his change.
    "Yes. I was very happy." Youka carefully stroked Taiki's hair. "Lord Gyousou is a king you can  depend on. This brought me even greater joy."
    Youka winked. "Of course. It...will be a bit lonely."
    Youka was the nyosen closest and kindest to Taiki. She had poured into him so much concern and  compassion.
    "...Youka." Taiki hugged Youka as she was kneeling on the floor.
    --Could it be that this was goodbye?
    "Taiki, you must take care of yourself."
    I'm sorry... Taiki said, secretly in his heart.
    Ever since he had come to Mt. Hou, he had constantly felt sorry for what he put the nyosen through-- he had not been able to transform; he wasn't able to subdue a shirei; not to mention his terrible betrayal.
    How wonderful would it be if he could start it all over anew? It would be great if he had at first just  obediently seen Gyousou off the mountain.
    Had that happened, he wouldn't feel this guilty, and he wouldn't have to leave Mt. Hou. It would also  have been like before: to go to bed at the urging of Youka's singing, to eat with all the nyosen, to roam  around the pathways of the maze with Sanshi--he probably could have continued to lead the life he had  previously lived.
    Youka lightly stroked Taiki's back, and then pulled him into an embrace.
    "It's almost time. We should go."
    Taiki was brought to Untei Palace on the south side of Houro Palace, situated at the base of a cliff.
    Inside the palace, there was a great crimson gate. When he had nothing to do, Taiki would often walk  to various palaces and look around. He remembered that when he had previously seen the gate open, there  was a green cliff wall behind it. Now, in place of the wall, there appeared a set of steps.
    The steps looked as if they were made out of crystal, and a light passed through from beneath them,  brightening up its surroundings. On top of the unusual steps, a white bird that resembled a crow waited for  Gyousou and Taiki's arrival.
    The nyosen were prostrated and spread out in a row.

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