Seduced - Book Three - Surrender Series

Seduced - Book Three - Surrender Series by Melody Anne

Book: Seduced - Book Three - Surrender Series by Melody Anne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melody Anne
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dining room, but wasn’t this better? If she wanted to act like a woman of the world, she certainly needed to arrive at his room eventually.
    The thought entered her mind that she should be offended he was presuming so much, but she brushed it away. It was time she took her own pleasure into her hands, and that meant a night with the very sexy man who’d “rescued” her from the sea.
    “Right this way.”
    They stepped up to a door, where the man inserted a key card, then held the door open for her. Walking through the entrance, she was well pleased by the elegant foyer. She didn’t notice the door closing behind her with a soft click, locking her securely inside.
    Approaching the spectacular floor-to-ceiling windows, she smiled at the splendid view of the Biscayne Bay and Miami’s impressive skyline. Not far out was the deceptively peaceful Atlantic Ocean. She knew how violent those seas could become, but at the moment, everything was quiet and…romantic, as if Ian had commanded the perfect setting.
    “I’m glad you came.”
    For the second time in a short span, Rachel jumped as a man’s voice startled her from her thoughts. Turning slowly, her heart picked up speed at the sight of Ian standing before her in a crisp white shirt and dark slacks.
    She couldn’t decide whether the man was better looking with or without clothes on. No. His chest dripping with water in the hot sun was certainly a sight she wouldn’t mind seeing more of. However, he looked quite debonair in his evening clothes.
    “Of course I came. I couldn’t resist a dinner here. I’ve heard they have a wonderful wine selection,” she said, surprised by her smooth tone of voice. Her nerves weren’t showing at all though she was shaking like a fall leaf on the inside.
    “I have a table on the balcony. You’ll like the view.” He offered his arm, and Rachel accepted it, allowing him to lead her to the open French doors.
    A native of the West Coast, she doubted she could ever adapt to the humidity of Florida, but it was more bearable in the evening. A slight breeze was blowing in off the bay, making the balcony the perfect place to dine.
    Her tall, dark stranger was quite adept at seduction. A beautifully presented table was before her with a bottle of wine chilling and candles emitting a soft glow. When he held out her chair, she sat and watched his sure moves as he rounded the table.
    As they sat down, he gazed at her with his dark eyes, and her nerves left her. She wanted this man too much to let them get the best of her. Maybe she’d come to regret her impulsive act, but it wouldn’t be tonight — that was certain.
    A man quietly approached and set down a plate for each of them before retreating. Rachel was glad to have a waiter there. One more witness to her presence couldn’t hurt. At least Ian wouldn’t be able to murder her without some serious questions being asked.
    The thought made her smile. If she’d truly been afraid of being hacked to pieces and fed to the sharks, she never would have set foot inside the hotel. No. She was just used to her parents’ fears. She wouldn’t allow any of that to ruin her night.
    Their first course of Aleppo Stained Swordfish was accompanied by a beautiful French Chardonnay. The man certainly had good taste in food, and she took a bite of the fish, relishing the flavors dancing on her tongue.
    “Where are you from, Rachel?”
    “I thought we agreed to be strangers,” she replied, not sure whether she wanted them to know much about each other. If she got to know this man, there was a chance of getting attached, and that wasn’t in her game plan.
    “Ah, keep the mystery alive,” he said with a twinkle in his eye.
    “Yes. It’s not every day I get rescued from certain death. I have created my own version of who you are.”
    He looked at her for a stunned moment before bursting into laughter. “You are quite the treat, my lady.”
    “As are you.”
    “What would you think about this? We

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