who in Prossers Bay would wear it? As much as I know this will be perfect for you, there’s no obligation, but if you like it then you can have it for what I paid.”
Megan couldn’t resist Mary Anne or the dress. She pulled the curtain of the changing room, slipped out of her black trousers and white shirt, and reverently took the masterpiece of its hanger. After undoing the side zipper, she slid the fabric over her body. It slithered into place like warm chocolate, touching her skin in a whispered caress.
Pulling the zipper up, she stood back to survey it, and for a few moments was frozen in shock. Was that her? Her hair looked the same, and that had to change, but she had been transformed. She felt like a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis.
“May I take a look?” Mary Anne hovered outside the curtain.
Megan opened it and saw the shopkeeper’s face turn from excitement to delight.
“I wasn’t wrong. I rarely am. Sorry to be so opinionated, and this is really not a hard sell, but Megan, you have to agree that this is the perfect dress for you.”
“I do have to agree, but don’t you think it’s a bit over the top for a drinks evening at the resort?” Megan couldn’t help doing a little twirl, and the slit opened to reveal her tanned leg.
“No, I don’t. You’ll be the envy of every woman, and men won’t be able to keep their eyes off you.”
Megan sighed as she looked down at her bust, which had gone from a decent shape to a much perkier version, thanks to the amazing stretch and cut of the fabric. She felt beautiful, and if she could afford the dress then she would damn well buy it. Not that she wanted men looking at her. Well, maybe just the one.
Chapter Eleven
Megan entered the conference room like a goddess in a single-strapped dress that hugged every one of her delectable curves, her arms and one shoulder completely bare. Skin the color of milk chocolate was made lustrous by the caramel silk. Jordan wanted nothing more than to touch her. To run his hands up her arms and around the back of her beautiful neck. To pull her close and kiss that sassy, red-coated mouth. As if she could read his mind, she looked over at him.
She moistened her lips, which made his pulse race even faster, acknowledged him with a nod, and began to greet the guests as they entered.
He made his way over to her, barely acknowledging his guests with perfunctory answers to questions he simply wasn’t interested in at this point in time. When he eventually arrived at her side the CEO had beat him to it and was looking her over like a shark about to dine on some exotic species.
“Well, hello there. I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Rick Sainsbury, the reason for this evening.” He took one of her hands in his, holding it for way too long in Jordan’s opinion.
“How do you do, Mr. Sainsbury. I’m Megan Adams, one of Jordan’s managers. I do hope we’ve provided you and your wife with everything necessary to make your stay perfect.”
Jordan was delighted that she had, in one sentence, put the pompous man in his place. Sainsbury was now forced to introduce his wife, Loretta (a one-time beauty pageant entrant, according to his notes), who looked totally bored, and was standing just behind Sainsbury. The look on her face made it apparent that she was aware of her husband’s misguided attention, and that she couldn’t have cared less.
Megan shook Loretta’s hand. “Mrs. Sainsbury, while you’re here perhaps you’d like to take advantage of our exclusive spa? It’s as good as any you could find in the city, and here at Haven, we like to think it’s even more relaxing, what with the beach right outside the window.”
“That sounds wonderful. The boys will be busy talking business tomorrow, so I’d love to do that. Are you sure that they can fit me in?”
“Don’t you worry about that. We can always find room for special guests.”
Loretta gave her a thoughtful look, then smiled. “Thank you.
Gayle Laakmann McDowell
Michael Arnold
Franklin W. Dixon
Grace Metalious
Michael Rosen
Terra Wolf, Artemis Wolffe, Wednesday Raven, Steffanie Holmes, Christy Rivers, Alannah Blacke, Cara Wylde, Ever Coming, Annora Soule, Crystal Dawn
Lisa Smedman
Deborah Bladon
Rita Hestand
Sheryl Berk