floor in front of her.
“Gavin, take your hands off her.” Donavan commanded.
Maddox didn’t turn away until the man obeyed. He looked up at Donavan to see the man lower his weapon and pull off his mask. His skin was dark and his brown eyes were cold and aged with violence. Maddox inclined his head to him and spoke loud enough for all to hear. “Whatever you think you know doesn’t compare to the danger you are putting yourself in today.”
“Son, ” Jason whispered harshly, trying to quiet him.
Maddox ignored his father. “You told Kera that you wanted to partner with her. You took her on a dammed mission that could have got her killed and then you let her go. The complete disregard you have for the value of life just shows that you don’t want a partner. You want to eradicate anything different from you. If you don’t understand something you are willing to use it as a weapon and dispose of it when you have no more use for it.”
“Wise words Jason.” Rayland laughed. “Your son understands more than you ever did.”
Jason growled low in his chest. “This is what you wanted Rayland,” He bit out, “a name for yourself? Look now and see what name you will have in the world now. A man who was found on his knees with his hands behind his back before the government soldiers following the weak words of a little girl who doesn’t know what to do with the life she was given.”
Maddox ground his teeth at the banter between his father and uncle. It was a good thing that the humans couldn’t hear them. The soldiers began to pull each of them to their feet and lead them out the door. His father murmured a command to his followers to go with them quietly and without violence. Rayland did the same and one by one they were taken to the back of vans and were secured by the wrist and ankles with heavy chains that led to heavy bolts on the floor.
Maddox tracked every movement Kera made. He couldn’t determine if it was to find out if she was in on the mission or to make sure she was safe. Her long blond hair hid her face as she continued to stare at the floor. She followed along behind him with the human male firmly by her side. He caught a glimpse at her red rimmed green eyes when she stepped up into the back of the van behind him. Her vacant expression didn’t diminish her beauty. No matter how hard he tried to ignore her allure it continued to hit him square in the chest at the most inopportune times.
The first time he saw her when he was a child rushed through his mind. She had been present when he found out what he was and lost his mother in the process. For years he considered her an angel who protected him during the worst moments of his life. Before his accident he had felt her beside him and he had considered the possibility that it was her that spared his life when he couldn’t imagine how he had survived such heinous injuries.
He remembered again the moment he caught the strange heartbeat in class only to turn and find her flushed face staring at him like she too recognized the connection they had. After that he couldn’t stay away. He followed her many times before he decided to speak with her and find out who and what she was. Her persistence in the library that she had never been in the area only intrigued him more. She pulled away from him every chance she got. Her life seemed in danger at every moment either by passing out in his car on the way back to her room from an innocent cup of coffee to the pleading call she made from her car where he found her bleeding and barely breathing locked inside her jeep with her unconscious roommate.
He watched her from the corner of his eyes as the soldiers drove them away from the mountains to god knows where. They headed down the same road she had taken back from her father’s house just yesterday. Though it was almost a day’s drive from her home in Texas to his father’s in Colorado, he was sure this place was somewhere between.
His eyes roamed over
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