running from when you went downstairs last night?”
“I don’t want to talk about it. I came back, didn’t I?”
“Well, yes, but you distracted me so that I didn’t remember to ask why you’d left in the first place.”
He reached out to tweak her nipple, and she swatted his hand.
“Quit changing the subject. You always do that—substitute sex for having a conversation.”
Because I’d rather have sex than talk about it, cara.
“What had we been talking about when I left?”
“You and Melissa.”
“I don’t think there’s anything else that needs to be said.” Marc rolled over and got up. “We should get packed. We slept late.”
“I’m already packed.”
The reminder that she’d nearly left him last night slammed home. Why couldn’t he just tell her what had happened and be done with it? By making such a big deal about it, he would only blow things out of proportion. Sometimes just stating the truth was the best thing to do.
Why couldn’t he tell her?
Shame. He had never been more ashamed of anything in his life.
“Angelina, all that happened before there was an ‘us.’ Suffice it to say there were those two other times, but neither of us needs to give a blow-by-blow about past relationships.”
Angelina got up from the bed and walked into the bathroom without a word.
Marc ran his fingers through his hair. Shit , he’d handled that all wrong. The drive back to Denver was going to be a long one.
Why was hearing the details so important to her? What was he missing?
Chapter Six
“W hat the fuck happened while I was in South Dakota?”
A week later, Marc looked over at Adam who had dragged him out of the living room where Damián and Marisol were watching a princess something-or-other movie and into Marc’s den. He could hear the girls in the kitchen working on dinner and laughing. Well, Karla and Savi were laughing. He didn’t hear much laughter from Angelina. She’d been subdued since they had returned from Aspen.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean besides the fact I came home to find out I’m the grandfather of an eight-year-old.” The man had a sappy grin on his face. Apparently becoming a father and a grandfather the same year met with Top’s approval. But he wasn’t as pleased with Marc. “The tension between you and Angelina is thick enough to cut with a Bowie. You getting ready to run again?”
Marc walked over to the bar to pour another glass of wine. Adam’s bottle of water was still half full. “Again?”
“Doc, remember you’ve told me about your little history of running when a woman gets too close, if you let one close at all, which is pretty damned rare for you. Closest one I’ve seen before Angelina was Pamela more than a year ago.”
“That was different. She was looking for something I couldn’t give her.” When Pamela had said she’d wanted a Total Power Exchange as a Master/slave, he’d definitely run—run like hell.
“You and Angelina are good for each other, but tonight there’s been a wedge the size of Mount Evans between you. You barely even make eye contact. What the fuck happened since my wedding?”
Marc took a gulp of wine. “Nothing. We’ve just got a lot hitting us right now. She still hasn’t been able to find a job. Family stuff. And this business of someone trying to hurt Savi and Marisol has us both concerned.”
“Aren’t we all? We’ve got Damián’s apartment under surveillance twenty-four/seven.”
Thankfully Marc had managed to divert Adam’s attention from his and Angelina’s problems. Marc didn’t want to talk about what was going on in his own life with Adam.
Angelina definitely wasn’t going to let him ignore the situation the way he wanted to, though. She kept trying to get him to talk about what had happened New Year’s weekend, and Marc had managed to distract her with a play scene or sex most of those times, but last night she’d walked out of the bedroom and told him she’d be back when he
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