Somebody's Angel (#5 in a Military Romance / BDSM Romance series) (Rescue Me)

Somebody's Angel (#5 in a Military Romance / BDSM Romance series) (Rescue Me) by Kallypso Masters Page B

Book: Somebody's Angel (#5 in a Military Romance / BDSM Romance series) (Rescue Me) by Kallypso Masters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kallypso Masters
Tags: Romance, Sex, Adult, BDSM, bondage, Erotic, Rescue Me
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decided to talk. She hadn’t said a whole lot to him all day. Big surprise. But this dinner had been planned for days, and he couldn’t very well tell his friends not to come over.
    “Don’t fuck it up. You need that girl, whether you realize it yet or not. I nearly lost Karla because my head was too far up my ass. I don’t want to watch you screw the—”
    “Dinner is served!” They turned to find Angelina standing in the doorway, glancing from Adam to Marc, resting her gaze on him a moment longer and giving him a tentative smile.
    Walking over to her, Marc bent to give her a peck on the cheek. “Grazie, amore.” He placed an arm around her shoulders, feeling grounded with her soft body next to his, and led the way to the dining room where a feast had been spread out on the table. Angelina made this monstrous house a home.
    Adam was right, as usual. Marc had better not screw this up. He just didn’t have a clue what the fuck his problem was lately. Why was he lashing out at Angelina? She wasn’t the reason for him feeling …unsettled.
    An hour later, Marc watched as Adam placed his hand around the back of Karla’s neck and fingered the filigreed necklace she’d been wearing since the couple had returned from their honeymoon. Clearly she’d been collared. Karla looked at Adam, and the heat arcing between them was palpable.
    Marc wanted to have Angelina look at him like that again.
    Angelina served Marisol a homemade cannoli covered with powdered sugar. Seated beside Marisol, Savi focused her attention on her daughter. He’d noticed throughout the dinner that Savi seemed intimidated by Adam and rarely made eye contact with him. The man was daunting until you realized he was more bark than bite—well, mostly. Savi really didn’t interact much with Damián, either. Must be hard to form a family after being apart since their child’s conception.
    The thought that he might have other parents out in the world somewhere made him wonder what they were like. Why they hadn’t been able to—or wanted to—keep and raise him.
    Stop thinking that way. I am not adopted.
    People comparing them often remarked that Marc had his mother’s forehead and chin. Not as conclusive as DNA but close enough for him. And no one could deny that he and Gino were brothers or that Sandro and Carmella bore a striking resemblance to him.
    Marc’s gaze locked with Angelina’s for a moment, and she gave him a smile that warmed a place around his heart that had grown cold again recently. Perhaps tonight they could spend some time in the playroom before they went to bed. He might let her think he planned an impact session, but he was more in the mood to hear her giggle. Definitely some sensation play was in order for his ticklish girl. He loved planning scenes for her as he continued with her training. At least when they were playing, they didn’t have to deal with anything he’d rather avoid.
    Karla rested her head on Adam’s shoulder and smiled sleepily. Adam kissed the top of her head, placed his napkin on the table, and announced as he stood to pull Karla’s chair out, “We’re heading home. Still haven’t caught up on our sleep from the honeymoon trip.”
    Somehow Marc doubted either had sleep on their minds, but his words sent everyone into a flurry of clearing the table, followed by cleaning up the kitchen. Soon, the house was quiet again. Marc walked over to Angelina as she closed the dishwasher, and he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind.
    “Another fabulous meal. Thank you for all your hard work.”
    She turned and looked up at him, smiling. “You know I love to cook. If I can’t do it for strangers in a restaurant, then I’ll gladly invite our friends over every night and cook for them.”
    “Don’t make that offer. We’ll never have any time to ourselves.”
    She grew serious. “Marc, about last night…”
    “Shhh.” Marc tilted her chin up and bent to capture her lips in a tame kiss, not wanting to

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