socially acceptable, as this reflected a paradigm within the myth of Zeus and his beloved cupbearer and youth Ganymede and Apollo and his beautiful Hyakinthos, who was transformed into the hyacinth flower after he was killed by a jealous Zephyros (god of the west wind). The Amazonians tolerated a women-only society and refused male infants at birth. These warrior women were said to cut off their right breasts so that accuracy with the bow was heightened. Sappho, one of history’s first celebrated female poets, hailed from the isle of Lesbos in the Aegean Sea where the current-day term lesbian is derived from. Women were often featured as the intimate subjects of her poetry. Androgyny, or the fusion of both male and female aspects to create an asexual or bisexual being, was a prime alchemical status to aspire to. Many considered Hermaphroditos, the son of Aphrodite and Hermes, the embodiment of the intricacies of the natural world—the complementary co-existence and mutual marriage between the sexes.
    The sacred Hieros Gamos (Great Marriage) was not and is not an institution for heterosexuality over any other form of sexual expression but the metaphorical symbol for the union of love between two complementary forces, a dynamic that is marked by projection (traditionally masculine) and reception (traditionally feminine), alternating patterns that stir the creative channels. Remember, we all comprise within our psyches masculine and feminine aspects, and these have nothing to do with physical gender. Our bodies are one thing, but our spirits are another thing completely! It is important to raise consciousness to the level where all life is as it is, and is not impeded by the seductive coercion of the illusory forces at play.
    Men may love men as women love men and as women love women in whichever way they choose to do so. The fact that there exist in this world organisations and groups of people that hold deep-set prejudices against GBLT-identified individuals indicates that fear is liable to assume the form of ignorance at the get-go. Conservative Christians, right-wing political parties, and fascist organisations (e.g., the Ku Klux Klan) all claim that their love for the social norm—defined by a narrowly prescribed field of a Western paradigm—is their reason for and behind their hatred for particular groups of people. I say it is hypocrisy to uphold a symbol of universal love and divine truth (e.g., Christ), as so many of these organisations do, whilst also engendering bigotry, intolerance, and discrimination.
    It is a scientific fact that without varying and contrasting factors, the evolutionary progression of life would stagnate and deteriorate. At their core, Pagan values reflect the beauty of Cosmos and the necessity of Chaos, two forces that are both, in and of themselves, positive and perfect. Remember that to draw parallels between two things is to reveal the quality of the unifying connection that strengthens the ultimate relationship—both Pagans and GBLT individuals have lived the closeted life once (sometimes twice) before.
    Below, you will find two spells to bless your love life and to keep the Magick alive and real in your relationship. You may also brew a tea to promote understanding and acceptance in your relationship, and share it over a romantic dinner.
    Two’s Company
    This spell can be used to prepare for a romantic night at home with the DVDs and popcorn.
    You will need:
    One handful of dried lavender
    One handful of rose petals
    Plenty of blankets, pillows, and soft things
    A sappy love movie, corny teen flick, or even gory horror film
    Sparkling apple juice for the two of you
    There is no need to cast a circle, as you will be constructing a temporary sacred space during the spell.
    About half an hour before you are expecting your partner to turn up, get dressed slowly and seductively (it helps to turn on some mood music to help dash the self-conscious qualms), making sure you look

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