fifteen minutes late to everything. She always ate on the run, except for dinner when she’d usually eat at her mom’s house. She went to bed well after midnight. Her schedule was like clockwork.
Eventually Allen would tell her how he felt, in hopes that she would reciprocate the emotional attachment already cultivating inside him. Surprisingly, he wasn’t afraid that she would reject him. Sure, he had a blemished past, but it was forgivable. He suspected Haley was the kind of girl who would appreciate a good thing. And he was a good thing.
Examining himself in an oblong mirror precariously perched on top of his bureau, he pulled at the skin on his face. He had aged significantly in the past year, appearing much older than he actually was. Stress would do that to a person. But that part of his life was over now. His past was far behind him. How quickly a little joy could heal past wounds! Watching Haley develop her creative and artistic abilities could vicariously grant him a whole new life. Energy, excitement, pleasure—all of life was his oyster and Haley was his pearl.
Then the realization smacked him across his bony face: Haley must be the reason he was directed by some greater power to Westfield. She was the reason he left Los Angeles, and the last few dark weeks, behind. She was the reason he taught that class. All this was finally clear to him. She just didn’t know it yet, but she would find out soon enough. Tonight he planned to tell her his secret.
With a couple hours to kill, Allen plopped onto his bed and flicked on his bedside lamp. Perhaps a little meditation would settle his nerves. He folded his arms under his head and stared up at the ceiling, filling his imagination with visions of Haley. He wasn’t worried about sweeping her off her feet. He knew Haley, a country girl, would appreciate simple, sincere gestures. If only he could find the perfect way to show her how much he loved her.
He saw her hunger, her appetite for life. That had been him at one point in his life with starry-eyed zeal, but that was so long ago. Every Hollywood figure lost his innocent fervor eventually. Yet Haley reminded him of what it felt like back in the beginning of his career, and he would do anything to win her, including offering her the world. And he would. But time was growing short for him to tell her.
He needed to take that leap before it was too late.
He needed to make clear his intentions.
He had thought his desire for her was blatantly obvious, but perhaps not. Tonight he’d make sure there was no miscommunication.
As bright as Haley is, sometimes she can be so blind , he thought. Her eyes would soon be opened.
Chapter 17
“I really appreciate your offer to help me, Allen,” Haley said as she slipped into the booth across from him at Vine City Restaurant a few minutes after seven o’clock. A little nervous at being alone with him, her eyes wandered around the open area, observing the trail of gray slush that must have dripped off of her boots from the front entrance all the way to her table. She felt like her voice boomed against the hush as she noted the limited number of patrons for a Saturday evening. Their waitress hustled to retrieve two glasses of water with lemon after dropping off their menus.
“I’ve been wanting to talk to you about my final project, and get some feedback from you on what I may need to work on more. I really want to be considered for that trip to Hollywood, Allen, and I’d be willing to do anything for it.”
Allen nodded. “Anything?”
His question shot an awkward sensation all through her, and her eyes resultantly averted his gaze. The only other patrons, as far as she could tell, were a family of four seated in the center of the restaurant and an elderly couple in the corner holding hands from across the table and talking quietly. Haley watched Allen glance over at the couple and the tiniest smile cracked his typically somber appearance.
Mary Nichols
James Roy
John Saul
Armistead Maupin
Donald Hamilton
Bethany Wiggins
John Anthony Miller
Warren Hammond
Kristan Higgins
Emilie J. Howard