The Best Man's Guarded Heart

The Best Man's Guarded Heart by Katrina Cudmore

Book: The Best Man's Guarded Heart by Katrina Cudmore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katrina Cudmore
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she told him just how desperate she was to be in love? To find companionship and security, fun and exhilaration?
    â€˜I know...but it’s not the same when we’re apart. And Lizzie’s dating now. They’re both moving on.’
    â€˜Do you ever see your mum now?’
    Her heart lurched at his question. ‘No. At first I was mad as hell with her and refused to, but after a while I came to understand why she’d left... After years of putting up with my father, it was kind of understandable. But by then we had drifted apart from her—to have got back in contact would have been like opening an old wound.’ She gave him a wobbly smile and stood. ‘Anyway, we don’t have time for this now. I’d better get back to work.’
    Andreas stood and walked towards her. Next thing she knew she was in his arms, being given the biggest bear hug of her life. His arms wrapped around her and he lowered his chin onto the top of her head. His arm blocked her eyes so that she was in a cocoon of darkness. She inhaled his scent, a mixture of lemon and fresh salty perspiration, so earthy and male she felt dizzy with the desire to lift his tee shirt and press her nose against his damp skin.
    For a moment every worry, every painful memory disappeared as she was held in his protective embrace. Her rigid body slowly melted against him and she gave a little sigh. He drew back and smiled down at her.
    Dazed, she hoped her eyes weren’t rolling in her head. ‘You give a very good hug.’
    His thumb ran the length of her cheek. ‘I’m here any time you need one.’
    For a moment they both smiled at each other, but then she pulled away. She was in serious danger of feeling things she could not afford to for a man intent on never having love in his life.
    * * *
    As they walked back to the workshops Andreas wondered what was happening to him. He didn’t hold women like that, want to protect them, wipe out every painful memory for them.
    Beside him, Grace gave a contented sigh. ‘I haven’t travelled to many countries, but Kasas Island has to be the most beautiful place in the world.’
    Something dormant in him stirred at her words. When had he stopped enjoying this island? Stopped taking the time to relax in its simple pleasures? For the past two years he had driven himself relentlessly at work, and the island had become a refuge rather than a place he truly enjoyed.
    But then a warning bell sounded in his brain. How often had his ex claimed the same?
    â€˜You’d tire of it once the novelty wore off.’
    She stopped dead and stared at him. ‘No, I wouldn’t.’ She cocked her head to the side. ‘You don’t believe me, do you?’
    Why was he standing here arguing with her? He started to walk away. ‘It doesn’t matter.’
    She caught up with him and pulled him to a stop. ‘It might not matter to you, but I’m fed up with the fact that you don’t trust me, Andreas. You constantly pull back from telling me about yourself. You’ll go so far and then the shutters go down as though you don’t trust me. You look at me as though you don’t believe what I say. What have I done that makes you think I’m untrustworthy?’
    â€˜Come on, Grace, I barely know you.’
    â€˜You know me well enough to kiss me senseless.’
    She stared at him so indignantly he could not help but smile. ‘I kissed you senseless ?’
    Her eyes narrowed and she stamped a foot on the path. ‘Wrong phrase—ignore it. Now, are you going to answer my question?’
    He took a step closer, his shadow falling over her. He lowered his head and inhaled her scent, his voice automatically turning into a low baritone. ‘I have a question for you first: can I kiss you?’
    Her violet eyes shadowed and her cheeks flushed deeply. ‘I... Not until you promise me that you’re going to start trusting me. That you

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