The Billionaire Boss

The Billionaire Boss by J.A. Pierre Page B

Book: The Billionaire Boss by J.A. Pierre Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.A. Pierre
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still trying to pick a spot, so I’m going to have to call you back on that.”
    He could tell that Savani smiled. She asked if his family had taken any photos on their trips to the beach when he was a kid. Nolan told her yes.
    Savani explained that the magazine wanted to use one photo taken from his childhood. “A beach photo would fit perfectly.”
    Though Nolan wasn’t gung ho about the photo being used, he wanted to please Savani. “Okay, no problem. I’m going to my mom’s house later anyway. I’ll look through the photos in the family album and email one to you.”
    Savani thanked him. “I’ll text you my email address.”
    “Sure, no problem.” Nolan sighed. “And, Savani?”
    “When we go on our first real date, let’s put a wrap to the business side of things, all right?”
    She laughed. “Sure thing.”

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