The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet: Activate Your Body's Natural Ability to Burn Fat and Lose Weight Fast
A. Today, two slices of whole-wheat bread can raise your blood sugar more than two tablespoons of table sugar can. And the increased number and nature of the gluten proteins trigger more inflammation, which increases your risk of obesity and diabetes. We all love bread, but the stuff we are eating today is a far cry from the more wholesome stuff our ancestors ate, and it is making us inflamed, sick, and fat.
    All grains (including breads, cereals, and snacks)—even gluten-free ones—can spike blood sugar and insulin. To break the addiction cycle, we need to shut down insulin production as much as possible.
    Dairy is also a problem. It not only causes inflammation, allergies, congestion, postnasal drip, sinus problems, eczema, asthma, acne, and irritable bowel for many, it also causes weight gain by spiking insulin levels. It has been linked to type 1 diabetes and is the number one cause of constipation and intestinal blood loss and anemia in kids. It may be “nature’s perfect food,” but only if you are a calf and want to grow into a cow. For these ten days, you won’t be eating any dairy of any kind.
    Getting rid of gluten, grains, and dairy for ten days can have profound effects not just on weight but also on many inflammatory, digestive, mood, and other health problems. Think of it as an experiment. You have nothing to lose but your suffering! You can alwaysreintroduce them carefully after the ten days, and in the Transition Phase, I’ll walk you through how to do that. But with this short trial, you will have the opportunity to see how they truly affect you—something you probably have never done before.
    Don’t be surprised if you not only easily drop weight, but also find that many other chronic health problems and symptoms disappear. Pay close attention; this is the most important thing you may do for your health and well-being.

    These are not necessarily “bad,” but the carbohydrates in beans can trigger blood sugar spikes in some, and the lectins (small proteins) in these foods can potentially trigger inflammation and weight gain. After the ten days, some of you may choose to reintroduce beans to see how your body responds, but we’re going to leave them out of your diet while you detox.

Processed and Factory-Made Foods
    As you already know, if you want to turn off the genes that lead to disease and fat and turn on the ones that lead to healthy weight loss, the key is the quality and type of food you eat. So for these ten days, you’re going to eat a whole-food, plant-rich diet and eliminate foods that are manufactured or produced anyplace other than the earth and your own kitchen.
    “Day 9: Just at the grocery store. My kids beg for Doritos. My mom insists on ice cream. Me? I pick up almonds. I had to do a quick check in the mirror to make sure I was still me.”
    That means no chemicals, preservatives, additives, artificial sweeteners, high-fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated fats, or monosodium glutamate. (MSG, often called by other names and hidden in almost every processed food, causes spikes in insulin leading to uncontrollable hunger, cravings, and overeating; see the box on the next page to learnhow to identify MSG on labels.) You’ll eat only the best-quality foods, rich in vitamins and minerals, fiber, phytonutrients, good proteins, good fats, and good, low-glycemic carbs.

Hidden Names for Monosodium Glutamate, and Foods That Contain MSG
    Anything with the word “glutamate” in it
    Hydrolyzed vegetable protein (HVP)
    Textured protein
    Hydrolyzed plant protein (HPP)
    Yeast extract
    Autolyzed plant protein
    Yeast food or nutrient
    Glutamic acid
    Autolyzed yeast
    Vegetable protein extract
    Anything “hydrolyzed”
    Anything “enzyme modified”
    Anything containing “enzymes”
    Bouillon and broth
    Any “flavors” or “flavoring”
    Barley malt
    Malt extract
    Natural seasonings


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