it slid down her throat and burrowed in her thighs. “Of course not. You were visiting as a member of law enforcement. This time would be different.”
He eyed her with amusement. “How so?”
Kit’s cheeks flamed. He was backing her into a corner and enjoying himself immensely at her expense. “You wouldn’t be there as part of an investigation.”
“Because you’d be there as my new…friend. Mother likes to get to know my friends and fleece them for weaknesses. I’m pretty sure she has Huntley keep a file like Hoover did.”
Romeo folded his broad arms across his broader chest. “Kit Wilder, are you embarrassed of me?”
Kit nearly choked on her pancake. Embarrassed of him? The hottest guy she’d ever spent time with, and that included her cheating former co-star, Charlie Owen.
“No, of course not. Why would you say that?” She gulped water from her glass.
Romeo shrugged. “Nothing. Forget it.”
“I’m going to Rebecca and Charlotte’s charity event tomorrow night. That Monte Carlo thing. Do you want to come and grill potential suspects while they’re hypnotized by spinning roulette wheels?”
His expression soured. “So once again, I’m attending a Pilgrim Society function as a member of law enforcement.”
“It’s not a Pilgrim Society thing. It’s in honor of John Tilton to raise money for cancer,” Kit said.
“I don’t think cancer needs any money,” Romeo replied, his lips twitching.
“You’ll have a range of sources and potential suspects in one place,” Kit said, ignoring his joke.
“Jake Krieg and Brendan Williams will be there?”
Kit looked to the ceiling for help. “Okay, so sources of information will be there.” She returned her gaze to Romeo. “Are they both still suspects?”
“They haven’t been ruled out. If we find Brendan, that would be a huge help.”
“What about Rebecca?”
“Her story’s been confirmed,” he said and Kit relaxed slightly. “We were able to verify her location on the morning in question through the ISP address that she was using.” He tapped his fork on the edge of his plate. “So what’s in it for you if I go?”
Kit smiled. “Your expression when you see me wearing my favorite red dress.”
Romeo’s grin broadened. “How can I say no to that?”
“I’ll bet you look quite distinguished in a tux,” she told him.
“Hmmm. Looks good in a tux. Will that be enough to win over your mother?” he asked.
Kit studied him. “What is it with my mother? Why would you think you need to win her over?”
Romeo shifted his gaze to the empty plate in front of him. “She obviously holds a lot of sway in this town. Given the amount of work in Westdale I’ve been involved in lately…” He gave her a pointed look. “It just seems smart to get on the lady’s good side.”
Kit masked her disappointment. On the one hand, she wanted him to officially throw his hat in the dating ring — to admit that her mother’s approval was linked to his interest in Kit. On the other hand, she knew that a relationship with him would be riddled with obstacles. His Italian heritage was bad enough. Working class was worse. Heloise was not likely to embrace blue collar Romeo Moretti as a potential family member in this lifetime or any other. Not that Kit wanted or needed her mother’s approval. As it happened, she’d been living without it for a long time. She could tell, though, that Romeo was the type of man who needed the warm embrace of family. Heloise’s good opinion mattered to him.
“I wish you luck,” Kit said finally. “But don’t try too hard. She hates clingers.”
“What was she like when you were small?” Romeo asked. “Has she always been an ice queen?”
Kit swallowed her last piece of pancake. “Let me put it this way. If I fell and skinned my knee, she snapped her fingers for Huntley to retrieve the Band-Aids. She did not kiss boo-boos.”
“Was your dad like that, too?”
Kit smiled,
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