The Dirty Dust

The Dirty Dust by Máirtín Ó Cadhain

Book: The Dirty Dust by Máirtín Ó Cadhain Read Free Book Online
Authors: Máirtín Ó Cadhain
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    â€œWhy don’t you,” says I, “why doesn’t one of you drop the thatching for a while and help the other, as Tom isn’t helping either of you. Either that, or why don’t you take turns helping and thatching …”
    â€œShut your mouth,” Tom said. “Can’t you see that they’re flying ahead one as good as the other now, God bless them! They’re brilliant thatchers. I reckon that neither one of them is a hair’s breadth or a nail shaving better than the other …”
    â€”Easy to tell that you don’t know that I realise all about it …
    â€”But you don’t know, you haven’t the least clue …
    â€”… “Nell knows all about building fences,
    And Cathy’s an expert on thatch and felt …”
    â€”… “Fireside Tom was smirking broadly
    At Cathy Paudeen who paid the rent …”
    â€”No, she wasn’t! I wasn’t! It’s not true, Margaret! Oh, Margaret! I’m going to burst! I’m going to burst! …
    â€”… The Grave Ghoul! He is as big an eejit as you ever saw …
    â€”It’s a total disgrace, Caitriona, if he has the map, that he couldn’t tell one grave from another …
    â€”God help you and your stupid map! His stupid map makes as much sense as Eddie East Boss dividing up the land with a tongs, when they were divvying it up in strips long ago …
    â€”For all that, Caitriona, I kept that stretch at the top of the fields despite your best efforts, seeing as there wasn’t one of you who didn’t want it. You couldn’t do better than it to fatten up the cattle …
    â€”Ho! Do you hear the cricket chirping again? …
    â€”It’s a disgrace, Caitriona, if the corpses are being put in the wrong graves that someone wouldn’t charge him with treason: let the Government know, or at least tell the priest, or the Foxy Policeman …
    â€”Ara, God bless the Government! Some Government, since Griffith’s crowd were thrown out …
    â€”You lied …
    â€”You told a big black …
    â€”Isn’t that just what Blotchy Brian said: they are being chucked into any old hole in the graveyard now, just as if they were fish guts or leftover limpets …
    â€”Oh, the dirty fucker! …
    â€”If you don’t have a proper cross on your grave now, and it well-marked, who knows what day it wouldn’t be opened up …
    â€”I’ll have a cross on me shortly. A cross of the best Connemara marble just like Peter the Publican and Joan …
    â€”A cross of Connemara marble, Caitriona …
    â€”Wouldn’t they let them put up a wooden cross, Caitriona?
    â€”They’d be dumped out on the road the following day …
    â€”Isn’t that because of the people who make the other crosses? …
    â€”Of course, what else? Everyone feathering his own nest. If you were allowed stick up wooden crosses or cement crosses, nobody would bother with their own. Everyone then could just make their own cross …
    â€”I’d much prefer no cross at all than one made of wood or cement …
    â€”True for you. I’d die of shame …
    â€”It’s this Government’s fault. They get a tax on all the other crosses …
    â€”You’re a liar. That was the law before this Government …
    â€”It’s a terrible thing to dump one of your own down beside a stranger …
    â€”The apple never falls far from the tree …
    â€”That’s the Government for you …
    â€”You’re a liar …
    â€”I heard that they stuffed Tuney Mickle Tuney down on top of Tom the Tailor’s son last year …
    â€”Oh, didn’t I up and kick off the murderer from on top of me! It was the other half of the treacherous Dog Eared mob who stabbed me …
    â€”I was at Jude’s funeral, Jude from our own place, last year. She was shagged down on top of Donal Weaver from

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