The Hunter (Mistress & Master of Restraint)

The Hunter (Mistress & Master of Restraint) by Erica Chilson Page A

Book: The Hunter (Mistress & Master of Restraint) by Erica Chilson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erica Chilson
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caressed while I fucked his master. It’s like even passed out, Olivia knew it was Dev. She was murmuring Devlin’s name and orgasming while unconscious. You could say Dev had a literal hand in Spyder’s conception. I was glad, because the pregnancy was the key to my release.”
    “Holy fuck,” I hiss.
    “That is why I hate being ridden and sat on and my asshole touched. I’ve never had anal sex with a man or woman, and only receiving during my imprisonment. I fear it. It took my power away- my control. I feel no shame except for the fact that I wasn’t strong enough to control my body functions, involuntary ones or not. Regina likes anal play, so I’m going to take you tonight to test my resolve. I want to make Regina happy. I trust you to deal with any issues that arise, and you are strong enough that I won’t hurt you. I trust you… and I want you… and I’m saying goodbye to you until I can control myself again. You make me lose myself, and I hate that.”
    “Do I apologize for this?” Lifting myself up off of Marcus, I prepare to run if he’s being serious. Marcus hates not being the strongest man on the planet, in all things.
    A firm hand slides along my spine, up my neck, and fina lly cups the back of my head. Marc’s fingers splay into my hair, holding me immobile. Not that I feel the inclination to move with him touching me, staring me deep in the eyes, with his warm body enveloping mine. My eyelids droop and my mouth falls lax as I luxuriate in the comforting affection known as Marcus.
    “Fear makes one realize they are still alive. Never apologize for injecting fear in to anyone, not even those you love. It’s exciting, enlivening, and it should be embraced.” Marc’s voice is drugging, coaxing me into compliance, weakening me to his strong will.
    “It’s time. I’ve waited long enough. The absence made the hunger stronger. Ezra is going to fuck them and be fucked by them… There is nothing he hasn’t given to another human being. I think it’s time you finally kissed me again.” Marcus’ words slice deep, plunge into my heart with the brutal truth.
    “That’s not true,” I say, no hint of my usual denial. “Our bodies can be taken from us. Your story is proof of that. It’s just flesh and bone… and the only emotions are fear and anger. There is one thing that Ezra will always reserve for me, and a kiss isn’t it.”
    “What is it?” Marcus prompts, but I can tell he’s waiting for me to admit it, not to him but to myself.
    “His heart. Ezra has never truly given his heart to another human being, not even our children. Ezra hurts me, ruins me, but I will always come first, even first to himself.”
    Marcus’ answering smile is brilliant. “About time,” he murmurs. “Now kiss me, since it’s only your body, not your heart.” He winks, knowing that is only half true. Marc has always had a piece of my heart, because Ezra is my soul.
    Tentatively, I lean forward, hovering my lips above Marc’s. His hot breath scorches my lips, burning and tingling. I hesitate, drawing the moment out. I make Marc wait because it’s the only power I have over him. We are both dominant beings. Marcus is truly a man who thrives on power. I, on the other hand, thrive on retaining my power, refusing to give it away, no matter how desperately I may wish for him to have it- it’s the same with Ezra. Confused or not, I always make them earn the power exchange.
    Marcus begins to tremor beneath me, muscles taut with tension as he holds himself back from crossing the invisible barrier between our parted lips… and I finally believe his claims- Marcus Zeitler is in love with me. He hungers for my kiss as much as he hungers for Regina’s- more so maybe since I’ve long denied it. The twins are three, and they were babies when I promised Ezra to save this one last piece of myself.
    Deliberately, with premeditation, I fully submit for the first time in my life, and it’s freeing.
    With a hungry and

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