The Shepard's Agony
David up and questioning him until he died.
    No, that wasn’t right, her father wouldn’t do such a thing. What David needed was a bed and enough medication to make the change less painful. But , medication of that strength would knock him out cold and they needed him awake to answer their questions. What was worse, they didn’t want her anywhere near him during the questioning or change.
    They said they didn’t want to put her through anymore hurt and pain, but she had a sneaking suspicion that it was because they didn’t want anyone supervising to prevent any cruelty.
    She didn’t know who would be doing the questioning, probably John and one or two others, and while she didn’t like to think such things about her own pack mates, she had to stop and seriously consider what they might do to a captured hunter. It wasn’t unknown for a wolf or vamp to want brutal revenge.
    Bill wheezed a bit through his breathing tube and made a face. Gwen winced at the mental image he was sending her ; screaming people, children running , and himself getting shot by a laughing bounty hunter. He was angry and in no mood to take it easy on David, regardless of whether or not he’d saved her.
    To them, he hadn’t saved her at all, but abducted her for her pelt, and nothing she said could make them think otherwise. To think she’d been hoping they would be more understanding about it all.
    Still, she had to try. “He can live through it, I know he can! Just let me be with him to help him through it and you can question him after,” she could hear her own voice breaking. Her father could only sigh his sympathy and turn his head away.
    “ I got bitten five days before the full moon …”
    Gwen wiped the tears from her cheeks, disgusted with herself. She knew he’d been bitten, but didn’t know it was so close to a full moon.
    He turned back to her . “It was pretty bad, I didn’t think anything was wrong until a few hours before it happened. I got so sick I thought I was going to die . Then , when it was over , I was still sick for days after.” He stared at her hard, trying to deliver a silent message . Gwen snarled.
    She was furious at the lot of them. Just give it up, forget about him, he was a dead man anyway. That’s what she heard from them and it sickened her.
    “ This isn’t about revenge , Gwen . I know you think it is , so don’t look at me like that. It’s about the security of the pack,” Larry said.
    “ Someone in your p ack had to have told them where to go ,” Evey said. “I know there was a vampire with them, but if I can’t find where you all go every other month , no other vamp can. I don’t care how good he is.”
    Evey had been brought up to speed in the car ride to the hospital . Because of her history with the pack and skills as a vampire, her input was always important.
    Larry nodded. “We’ve thought of that and we’ve started going through a list of people we think could’ve done it, starting with the humans in the pack first.”
    “Someone in our own pack?” Gwen asked, completely stunned. The thought that there might be a traitor in their midst never occurred to her.
    Larry nodded. “It’s bad, I know, which is why we need to question him as soon as possible. We can’t take him back to the city, it’s too far . It’ll have to be done back at the cabin.”
    Her eyes went wide . The thought of going back to where all the deaths had occurred wasn’t appealing, but she schooled herself to appear calm. “Has everything been cleaned up?”
    What she really wanted to ask was, h ad the wounded taken to be seen to? Had the blood been washed away? Had the weapons been picked up and the dead seen to?. She cringed at the thought.
    “Everyone who was able stayed behind,” Larry said. “It should be cleaned up by now, but I still haven’t been called about the book.”
    “Book?” Gwen asked.
    Larry’s face became grave. “The address book.”
    “It’s gone?”
    Larry nodded and

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