The Skipper & the Billionaire Playboy

The Skipper & the Billionaire Playboy by Mia Caldwell Page A

Book: The Skipper & the Billionaire Playboy by Mia Caldwell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mia Caldwell
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as they strolled down the waterfront, the waters of the bay lapping gently against the barrier. It was natural to twine her fingers through his, and they held hands as they walked. When they stopped for lunch, it was the first time they let go of each other, and as soon as they had eaten their delicious seafood, he took her hand again upon exiting the restaurant. She could get used to this.
    Nadia didn’t know whether to quell that thought or embrace it. She was still in an uneasy state between shifting from employee to lover to something more. Neither she nor Sawyer had expected to want anything more, and their plans didn’t include each other. It would have been wiser to try to break the connection between them, but her heart twinged at the thought, and she couldn’t do it.
    She hadn’t been looking for love, and she certainly wouldn’t label it as love yet anyway, but if there was a possibility of a real future with Sawyer, she needed to explore that option. They both deserved to know if they could make this thing work.
    It was late in the evening by the time they returned to his family’s home, just in time for dinner. After eating with the Sinclairs, Nadia and Sawyer went upstairs to his room. They opted for an early night, though they didn’t fall asleep for hours. They were too busy with each other, lost in the sensual pleasures of exploring each other.

Chapter Nine
    On Sunday, Nadia slept in. She rarely did such a thing, but her late nights with Sawyer, coupled with the physical exertion of their trip to the city yesterday, followed by more exertion between the sheets last night, had left her exhausted.
    She was surprised to find Sawyer up before her, and she realized he had been rising before noon during their trip back to the Sinclair household. Feeling decadent and lazy, but intending to enjoy the sensation, she slid from bed and hopped into the shower. A while later, dressed in silk shorts that brushed her knees and a sleeveless button-down shirt to match, she headed downstairs. Her sandals made a slight slapping sound on the marble of the staircase.
    No one was immediately visible when she reached the downstairs living area, so she searched a bit. She wondered if the family went to church, but she couldn’t see Sawyer sitting in a pew for that long, at least not without fidgeting. Besides, she was there, and they would have invited her to go as well.
    She had to bite back a delighted laugh at the idea of Kiersten and Caitlin deciding to throw them an impromptu wedding after the morning sermon. Those two would just about try it, she decided with a grin of affection as she made her way to the kitchen.
    Sunday was the cook’s day off, so she had a breakfast of leftovers foraged from the fridge, along with a cup of strong Italian coffee. After finishing, she poured another and continued her search for Sawyer or someone in the family.
    There was nobody visible on the lower level, so she assumed they must be outside. She was headed toward the garden when voices coming from the vicinity of Harold’s office made her freeze. She was certain she recognized Sawyer’s, so she turned in that direction.
    Some instinct warned her to move quietly, and she did so as she approached the partially opened door. The angle was perfect to allow her to look in, and her eyes widened with surprise when she saw Sawyer leaning back against his grandfather’s desk with Paige, the sexy blonde secretary, leaning into him.
    Disappointment welled in her, and a hollow sensation filled her stomach. She should have known Sawyer couldn’t go without his typical womanizing. Perhaps it was her own fault, because she hadn’t explicitly stated there would be an embargo on other women while they were busy exploring the relationship. To her, it had been a given, but she supposed she shouldn’t have assumed it would be that way for a man used to sleeping with every woman who caught his eye.
    She hesitated, not certain whether she should barge

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