The Skipper & the Billionaire Playboy

The Skipper & the Billionaire Playboy by Mia Caldwell Page B

Book: The Skipper & the Billionaire Playboy by Mia Caldwell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mia Caldwell
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in and make it plain to Sawyer that he had blown things, or if she should walk in and stake her claim. Or should she just turn around and walk away, chalking up the brief fling with Sawyer as a life lesson and move on? Could she just move on, or was she already too emotionally invested to take that step?
    Torn by indecision, she gasped when she heard the conversation.
    “Come on, Sawyer. You have quite a reputation as a ladies’ man.” The irritating blonde punctuated the words with an ultra feminine giggle as her fingertips danced across his chest.
    Jealousy surged in Nadia, giving her the answer to her dilemma. As she started to push open the door wider to announce her presence, she froze again in shock.
    “You’re a lovely woman, Paige.” He took her hand in his, moving it from his chest and back to her side. “If I had met you before, I would certainly be tempted. However, I discovered there’s only one lady I want. My heart just wouldn’t be in it if I slept with you.”
    Paige’s lips puckered into a pout, and her other hand displayed across his hip. “It’s not really your heart I’m after, is it?” With a sultry laugh, she splayed her hand across Sawyer’s package.
    Nadia gasped softly in outrage as Sawyer stiffened, his posture radiating rejection. “I said no. My heart belongs to someone else.”
    Nadia’s own heart stuttered at his words, but she shoved aside her reaction for future contemplation, deciding it was time to rescue her man from the blonde beast currently fondling him. She made no attempt to be quiet as she shoved open the door and strode across the hardwood floor. “There you are,” she announced brightly. “I’ve been looking for you, love.”
    Paige had stepped back, looking guilty, but Sawyer was clearly just relieved. He scooted away from the blonde warily, as though she were a poisonous snake that might strike at any moment, before coming to Nadia. “I was just coming to wake you up.”
    She glared challengingly at Paige as she put her hand across Sawyer’s chest. Of course he made no move to shove her away or shrug her off, unlike he had the blonde. Power swelled in her, along with a strong surge of satisfaction, and she couldn’t help a slight smirk in the blonde’s direction. “You should have come sooner. You could have woken me up in that special way of yours.” She purred the word with a deliberately sexual undertone that made the other woman snort with disgust.
    With a grin, deliberately turning her back on Paige to demonstrate she considered the other woman no threat, she wound her arms around Sawyer and pulled him down for a deep kiss. The coffee cup in her hand wobbled slightly, and she leaned over so she could set it on a printer table. Then her arms went around him again, hands moving possessively over his back.
    The kiss started out as a show of ownership, of marking her territory, but rapidly changed to something more. She had a new appreciation for Sawyer’s display of jealousy the other night at the party, but that was her last coherent thought as the door banged shut behind Paige, and Sawyer drew her over to the couch. It was almost an hour later before they emerged from Harold’s office, both looking rumpled, but sated.
    That afternoon, the Sinclairs packed a picnic to take to Golden Gate Park. It was Nadia’s favorite spot in the whole city, and she was touched that Sawyer had remembered her saying so the day before. She wasn’t surprised to learn he was the instrument of the picnic organization, but she was happy he’d included his family as well. As much as she wanted to monopolize his time and keep him to herself, at least until she figured out how she felt and where things were headed, she also didn’t want to block out his family, or hurt the people who had been so kind to her.
    Even Harold had accompanied them, grousing a bit in the process, but mostly for show. She was amused to see him get out of his scooter and sit on the blanket Caitlin

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