The Switched Baby Scandal (A Scandals of San Sebastian Novel) (Entangled Bliss)
look. “You really do like this, don’t you?”
    “What’s not to like about your kid having fun?”
    “I guess I’m just kind of surprised, that’s all.” Her teeth worried her bottom lip, reminding him of what it might be like to kiss her. He had to stop this fantasizing or it would drive him insane. While she was warming up to him, there were no signs that she was interested in him, and he had a dozen good reasons why he shouldn’t want her to be.
    Emily popped up out of the balls. “I’m going to slide,” she announced and scampered out of the pit. Taylor glanced back at him.
    Her hair was slightly mussed, and she was lounging back on her hands. For a brief flicker, Reece thought about what it would be like to watch her wake up in bed. In the next moment he was angry with himself. He had no right to feel this way about a woman. Any woman. Especially not this woman.
    “Ready to sit this one out, Tarzan?”
    “Good idea,” he croaked. They both headed for the bench where they’d left their shoes.
    Taylor was sitting close enough on the bench that Reece couldn’t escape the warmth she radiated or the fragrance of her—the one that reminded him of Becca. He closed his eyes. He had to focus on Emily. This was all about her. Not about him, not about Taylor, and certainly not the two of them together, warm, aching…God, he was doing it again.
    He groaned.
    Taylor glanced at him and smiled sympathetically. “Getting a little worn out?”
    Now that was a trick question. Come on, counselor, answer the woman.
    “Do you think she’s enjoying this?” he answered, sidestepping the question and knowing very well that Emily was having the time of her life. The little girl scrambled up the purple steps and disappeared again into the human Habitrail.
    “It depends,” said Taylor as she leaned back on the bench beside him. “If I hear about it for the next week, it was a phenomenal success. If she only talks to Eddie about it tonight, it might have been a bit overwhelming.”
    Reece’s libido took a nosedive as the pain struck. He wished he could tuck Emily in at night. Maybe even read to her from stories that he had been saving for Alyssa but never got the chance to open. He needed to stem the ache in his gut.
    In one swift movement, he left his spot beside Taylor, then bent down at the base of the slide to wait for Emily’s exit.
    She came down the slide with a whoosh and Reece caught her. Squealing, she grabbed his neck with her little arms and squeezed him in a grand hug.
    Taylor cleared her throat, then came over and touched her tiny shoulder. “I’m really sorry, but we’ve got to get going. Honey, can you say thank you to Mr. Wallace for our lunch?”
    Emily placed one small hand on each of his shoulders, then looked him in the eye, her demeanor serious. All at once her face lit up into a sunny smile that stole his breath away. “Thank you, Reece,” she chirped, then planted a small kiss on his cheek. “I have to take Jessie home for her nap now, but we’ll play again soon.”
    Reece nodded. “You bet, sunshine.” His arms were unwilling to let his little girl go.
    His little girl . The thought struck him hard.
    There was still so much pain mixed up with the pleasure of little-girl laughter that he sometimes had trouble separating the two. He was opening himself up to feelings that he’d locked away for a long time. It was a risk, but it was worth it. Emily was worth all of it, and more .
    He looked up into Taylor’s face. Her blue eyes were bright, as if she might cry, and the need to comfort her hit instantly. The swing of blond hair threw a delicate shadow over her creamy skin. Taylor might not think she needed anyone, but everyone could use a shoulder to lean on now and then. Even if he couldn’t offer her anything else, he could do that much.
    “Thanks for coming,” he said, his voice low, almost husky with emotion.
    She nodded. “I really enjoyed it. Maybe we can do it again

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