The Treatment

The Treatment by Suzanne Young

Book: The Treatment by Suzanne Young Read Free Book Online
Authors: Suzanne Young
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at least.”They exchange a look before Cas tosses the pack in Realm’s direction. Realm immediately opens it, sorting through its contents. “We’ve found a basement apartment,” Cas continues, “but I don’t think it’s a good choice. Not enough exits.”
    “Keep looking,” Realm says, taking out a cell phone. “This clean?” he asks.
    “Just got it today. Why?” Cas smiles. “You want to order a pizza?”
    “I need to call Anna and thank her. Let her know I’m okay.”
    Anna, Realm’s sister, is the one who told us to run, gave us a car and some money. She helped us get away before The Program could catch us. And she did it all just because her brother asked her to.
    “Tell her thanks from me, too,” I say, reaching to touch Realm’s arm. He flinches but then looks down at where my hand is on him. He seems a little lost, and I want to ask him where he’s been all these weeks, but I don’t. Not yet.
    “I’ll tell her,” he replies.
    “Hey, Realm,” Cas says. “I’ll drop your stuff in my room. I think I’d rather sleep on the couch anyway. Place is getting a bit claustrophobic.” He gives Realm a fist bump before leaving.
    Michael Realm smiles at me, somewhat sheepishly, and then he dials a number on the phone and walks into the living room. I stand, looking after him, and when I hear him choke out a cry, promising he’s okay, there’s a familiar warmth for him. I like how he cares about his sister. He reminds me of Brady.
    “I’ll be upstairs,” James mumbles, and leaves. His file is still spread open on the table, but I know he’s distraught. Realm is his insecurity, and I was jerk for not being more sensitive to it. I glance at Dallas, who is leaning her elbows on the back of her chair, looking self-righteous.
    “A boyfriend and a lover?” she asks. “Would have never thought you the type.”
    “Shut up,” I reply, although I feel my cheeks redden. Then, with my pulse still racing from Realm’s return, I hurry up the stairs toward James.

    THE SILENCE IS DEAFENING ON the landing leading to the bedrooms. I expect James to be jealous, angry—instead I find him in the chair at the window, staring out at the street. Looking so lonely.
    I’m such an idiot. “James . . .”
    “He’s your friend,” he says, keeping his eyes trained outside. “I get it. I’m even glad he’s not dead.”
    “You don’t mean that.”
    “Which part?” He turns then, the dim light making his normally crystal-blue eyes darker. I cross the room and sit on the bed, pulling my legs under me as I watch him. James isn’t pouting, exactly. He just seems hurt, and maybe a little confused. “What can I do?” I ask.
    It’s quiet at first, and then James lowers his head. “What doeshe want?” he asks. He looks up and his face is absolutely miserable. “Why is he helping you like this?”
    “Yeah. Why does he keep risking his life for you?”
    I shrug, but I know the answer. Realm is in love with me, even if I don’t feel the same way about him. But my nonresponse does little to console James.
    “There’s something I need to know,” he says, “although I might not like the answer.”
    “Oh God. What?”
    “That night . . . the night we argued and you went to Realm’s house? What happened between you two exactly?”
    “Does it matter now?”
    James exhales, leaning back in the chair like he’s exhausted. “A little.”
    “We didn’t sleep together.”
    He closes his eyes. “The fact that you jumped immediately to that as your defense isn’t comforting.”
    “I was upset.”
    “You kissed him.”
    I nod, feeling ashamed. James and I weren’t even a couple, but I knew how I felt about him. My hookup with Realm was completely reactionary.
    “And more?” James asks.
    I nod again, and I look out the window at the tree branches as they sway in the wind. I think I can actually hear the sound of James’s heart breaking.
    “Did you touch it?”

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