Touch of Fate (Bennett Sisters Book 2)

Touch of Fate (Bennett Sisters Book 2) by Kate Allenton Page A

Book: Touch of Fate (Bennett Sisters Book 2) by Kate Allenton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Allenton
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questioning stare showed they didn’t understand her choice, but it wasn’t theirs to make. She threw her shoulders back, stood taller, and took command of their little group. She wouldn’t be changing her mind about the plan she’d formed in her head or the man by her side. Her happiness depended on it.
    “Something smells good.” Abby smiled and walked to the coffee pot. “You all know Sam. Sam, this is everyone; this is my family. Well, all but Claire is here,” she teased, Pouring two cups of coffee, she returned to his side, handing him a cup of the steaming brew. Abby felt the brush of his arm as he placed his arm around her shoulder. The weight should have been heavy, but it wasn’t. The feel was comforting. He kissed the top of her head before everyone turned back to preparing their meal. Butch was the first to walk over to them and offer his hand. Sam took it. The gesture was more than she thought he would get. Butch let go of his hand, opened his stance, and crossed his arms over his chest. His jaw twitched before he said, “You hurt her, and you’re dead.”
    The testosterone that filled the room rolled in waves toward her like an unforeseen force. Abby just shook her head. He wouldn’t be the last to threaten Sam. “Butch, Sam is in this as much as I am, we’re going to catch this guy, and then work out the rest.” Abby gestured to everyone in the room, their eyes now riveted on the two. “Hell, look what he’s having to deal with. If this were reversed, would any of you want me walking into a room filled with animosity and threats?”
    Abby pulled Sam to the table and took a seat as the food was being put down. Conversations erupted around them, almost like at their family dinners. There was still a dark cloud hanging over her head, and she needed to come clean about her plan she had concocted to use herself as bait, but it could wait. These men were grumpy when they didn’t eat. She needed them well fed if she was going to persuade them to help with her quest. She crossed her fingers and said a silent prayer. Dinner went off without a hitch with no punches thrown and no insults tossed in Sam’s direction. Well, no more than the usual banter between the men sitting around her, and that was the best she could hope for. John had decided to join them, quiet as he was. He took the seat to her left.
    Once everyone was finished eating and the dishes cleared, Abby stood and cleared her throat. She shoved her hands in the pockets of the jeans she’d borrowed from Emma, to hide the slight tremor. She knew what needed to be done. Everyone turned toward her. Most held a skeptical look, they were accustomed to her crazy ideas, but they waited patiently.
    “There’s been a recent development in my current case. Most of you know I’m after a killer, well his name is Richard Daley.” Sam stood behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders. His big body towered over her. She could feel his muscles pressed against her back. A quiver ran through her. He must have sensed she needed the support, when trying to convince her family, why she should be running head on into a danger. They weren’t going to like why it had turned personal, but that wouldn’t change the fact that it had. Abby told them the whole story of how Richard Daley had ruined her life eighteen years ago. “Sam tells me Daley seems to have changed his MO when he didn’t kill me, and it has left most of the FBI agents on the case scrambling to figure out why. Sam and his mentor seem to think…” Abby leaned her head back and smiled at Sam. “He didn’t kill me for a reason. Agent Stone seems to think that now he’s going to be after me. If nothing else, then to get at Sam. This is all just a game to Daley, and the last one standing wins.”
    Butch jumped to his feet, and his nostrils flared. “We’ll kill him. We’ll track the bastard down, and we’ll kill him. He won’t touch you, Abby.” All of her family stood and started

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