Ultimate Surrender: The Surrender Series, Book 2
    “Bet you it’s less than a week.” She didn’t state it as a question and hunkered down under the covers again.
    Getting back up to turn off the light, he scoffed. “A gentleman never tells.”
    “Neither does a politician so don’t think you’re in all that good a company, Mr. Don Juan.”
    He glanced at her when he flipped the lights out. The mood electrified as her fresh face was lit up by the movie. She’d taken a shower earlier, had no makeup on. He hadn’t even noticed it earlier when she was upset.
    Noticing that kind of stuff was second nature to him.
    He climbed back on the bed and tried not to focus on her or the way she breathed or how cute she looked with her hand tucked up under her chin.
    “You seen this before?” he asked with a nod to the movie playing. Detectives Mills and Somerset were in fat man’s apartment and everything was dark in the room.
    “Of course. It’s a great movie. One of my favorites actually.”
    “Why tonight? What made you think to watch it now?”
    “Lots of horrible shit and the bad guy gets it in the end. Seemed fitting.” She shrugged her shoulders and glanced at him.
    “Touché.” He expected her to look away but her gaze lingered on him. He almost asked what she saw but decided not to be a pussy. He liked how she looked at him though.
    “Aren’t you cold?”
    It was a little bit chilly in her condo and he did only have pants on, but getting under the covers seemed intimate. He almost rolled his eyes at himself. Lordy if he’d said that aloud he’d never hear the end of it. “A bit.”
    “Then get under the covers, Campbell. I promise to leave your chastity intact.” There was that smile again. It completely disarmed him in ways he didn’t get.
    She’s my client, she’s my client, she’s my fucking client.
    He repeated it to himself while he pulled the comforter and sheet back and slipped into bed with her.
    But not to fuck her.
    So odd yet…nice.
    Wow. Yeah, he had to share it with someone so Natalie was it. “I don’t think I’ve been in bed with a girl I wasn’t screwing since I was twelve.”
    “Jeez, you started young.”
    “I didn’t start fucking that young. I kept myself pure for several years after that.”
    “How many years?” Her lips were already tilting upward but it looked as if she were trying really hard not to just laugh at him.
    “Four. I was sixteen, almost seventeen, and the girl was Janeen Birkowitz.”
    “Football stands, junior prom, you lasted approximately forty seconds?” Her delight in asking totally worked for him.
    He laughed. “You just think you’re so smart. It was her senior prom.”
    “Oh, an older woman, my apologies.”
    “As you should be. And it was in her Acura Integra.”
    Her smile showed her pretty white teeth. “Bet that was a bit cramped.”
    “She was a gymnast.”
    Natalie rolled her eyes. “Of course she was. Why am I not surprised by how this story is going? Okay, keep going. I’m into it this far. I want to know the rest.”
    “And I lasted long enough to completely steam up the windows and I had to pay an extra cleaning fee on my tuxedo pants from all of her pussy juice that ended up on my lap.”
    “Did you not take them off?”
    “She was a horny little thing and wanted to fuck me in my tux. I wanted to fuck her in her prom dress. We were young and dumb with limited sex options for where to go. We made it work. And it sure makes for an awesome memory.”
    “Forty seconds? Since you sort of answered I’m assuming that part was right.”
    “How dare you doubt my nubile prowess?”
    She laughed again. “Which again isn’t a no?”
    He smiled. Loving that she was so curious, he couldn’t help but be completely honest with her. “I had at least double that. Like a full two minutes tops.”
    She barked out another laugh and both dogs perked their ears up before they settled down in sleep again.
    “But it was the best two minutes of her life. She told me

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