so. And seventeen-year-old somewhat tipsy girls from Texas don’t lie about stuff like that. They just don’t. It’s a thing.”
“Ha. Love her telling you that so she didn’t crush your teenage horniness.”
“Please. Nothing was crushing that. I’d found my own personal mecca between a woman’s thighs. Nothing was gonna kill that addiction.” He glanced at the movie screen and Mills was in the lawyer’s office. “What about you? Have a better cherry-popping story than me?”
“No. Wait, wait, wait. I get to guess just like you did.”
“By all means. Let’s see if you can get any closer. I got only one out of three correct.”
“Two minutes was not forty seconds.”
“Mmhmm. Come on now, I’m ready. What’s your guess?”
Rolling onto his side, beneath the covers he propped his head up on his hand, which inadvertently moved him a bit closer to her. Whatever. He was fine. Totally wasn’t pulling any hijinks, especially not with the kids on the bed with them. “Hmm. Okay.” He closed his eyes and tried to picture Natalie as a carefree teenager. “So many choices of debauchery on how you got your cherry popped. Okay. You know the game Clue?”
Her eyebrow went up. “The mystery slash process-of-elimination game? Colonel Somebody in the Library—”
“With the revolver. Exactly. This totally feels like the same kind of game.”
“And you’re stalling.”
“Am not. Much. Okay my final answer is college dorm room, high school crush, five minutes.”
“Ehhhhh. Oh I’m sorry, folks, that was the buzzer. You got none of them right. None of them.”
“Dammit. Was I even close?”
“Parents’ house during the summer between my junior and senior years in high school so I’d just turned sixteen, pool boy, and an hour and half.”
“W-w-what? Pool boy. How dirty of you!”
“What can I say? It’s a gift.”
“The pool boy. Really? Oh my fuck, did you just say an hour and a half?”
She nodded.
“Well, that makes me look like a total loser.”
“It was awesome. He was a few years older. I’d been taunting him for at least two summers. In a bikini.”
“There it is. The murder weapon. Those little things can absolutely kill. You’re like one of those sirens, spinning your tail and then whammo.”
“Whammo,” she laughed. “Who even says stuff like that?”
“I do. ’Cause I’m awesome. An hour and a half.” He shook his head. “You totally win.”
“I sure did that day. Parents were gone. I was feeling unbelievably repressed by all of my parents’ rules and decided to get back at them in a way that only I would know about. I’ve never told anyone that story.” She glanced at the movie and he did the same.
Probably just to keep from staring at her. “A rule breaker. So awesome. I have one question and I have to ask it.”
“Shoot.” She looked back at him.
“Was it in your parents’ bed?”
Her smile said it all.
“So very dirty. Were you in any danger of being caught?”
She shrugged. “Of them walking in and finding us going at it in between their sheets? No. Of them discovering his cum on their pillows when they got home later that night? Absolutely.”
“You didn’t?”
“Of course not.” Her naughty grin made another appearance. “He did. I was tied to their bed. He might have been originally aiming for my face but missed. Then made it a thing. It was so hot.”
Momentarily, Campbell completely shut down. Her tied to a bed? Not sweet missionary sex in the dark. Not even her first time. He knew it. But faced with the reality of it? Fuck. Complete shutdown. “You never fail to surprise me, Natalie.”
She yawned. “Ditto.”
They fell into an easy silence and watched the rest of the movie.
Campbell had about a million questions to ask but seriously couldn’t find his voice. Fuck. Having the covers hide his dick was a blessing. Or a curse. He hadn’t figured which one yet.
A little while later he sat up against the
Stephen Briggs Terry Pratchett
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