Father. (See Acts 7:56.) Psalm 110 pictures Jesus at the right hand of the Father as well. But according to Psalm 109:31, the Lord is at
right hand: “For He shall stand at the right hand of the poor, to save him from those who condemn him.” I am poor and so are you—weak and easily defeated. Yet, I have been positioned in heavenly places, right in the bosom of the Father.
Every time I go into the throne room, I am transfixed by its magnificence. The thunder and lightning, the sound, the angels zooming around. However, that’s not what Jesus shed His blood for—so that I could come and look at angels. I get to go past the angels who cry, “Holy,” and I get to crawl up into the throne of God. (First Peter 1:12 says that the angels desire to look into redemption. They don’t have a blood escort.) When I get to the seat of the throne, there is Daddy God. I hug Him and say, “Daddy, I love You.” I start talking to Him. Then I turn to His right hand and hug Jesus, and I tell Him I love Him, too. They say, “Sit with us.” Then the three of us sit together in the heavenly throne of grace.
There’s plenty of room there, and all the time in the world. Doesn’t it make you want to come up too? You really love Jesus. Why stay down here dreaming about one day coming up to heavenly places, when in Jesus you can come there right now?
That brings us to prayer. Knowing about the throne room and the Father’s lap has redefined my prayer life. Jesus said, in essence, “Don’t pray like other people pray” (see Matthew 6). He said, “Don’t pray with long repetition. Don’t use all of those religious slogans. When you pray, go into your secret place, lock yourself in with the Father, and talk with Him.”
In your own prayer time, you can get into a heavenly position in Christ through His blood. Go and be seated with Him in heavenly places. Spend your prayer time listening to what the Father is saying to the Son and what the Son is saying to the Father. There have been times when I have heard them talking to each other, and I understood what they wanted me to do. Every time I have done that thing they told me to do, I have seen miracles. That almost sounds like something Jesus would say, doesn’t it? “Jesus said, ‘I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing alone. The Son does only what he sees the Father doing, because the Son does whatever the Father does’” (John 5:19 NCV). I want to stay close to God so that I can’t say or do anything except what He has said and done first.
The key to such power is in the throne room, and the reason the Church doesn’t have any power is because we keep asking God to come down here and demonstrate Himself. The whole time God is saying, “No, you come up here and get in the throne of divine influence, so you can demonstrate My power in the earth as My Son did.”
So holy is the bosom of the Father that we are changed when we spend time there. No one can ever stay the same if they spend time right in the middle of the communion and compassion of the Trinity. I have learned how to live up there for the most part. Every morning, the first thing I say is, “Lord, sprinkle me with Your blood. I have failed you. I have come far short of Your glory, but Jesus’ blood makes me whiter than snow. You have said that if I confess my sin, You will be faithful and just to forgive my sin and to cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Sprinkle me with Your blood.”
I feel the cleansing power of that blood. I’m sure you have had times when you have asked Him for forgiveness and you felt as if somebody was literally pouring cleansing fluid over you. You can feel yourself being washed clean. Whether or not I feel it every time, I say to Him, “Lord, now I know that I am righteous in You, because of Your blood. Now I can accept Your invitation to come into the holiest place in the universe.” Then, I step boldly into Heaven, just as confidently as I
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