Diermont actually gave him permission to do so! Snotti isn’t having it, though, and the two have been arguing about it nonstop.”
“I thought all the Romans had been killed in the attack.”
“Nearly all. They say the woman was spared for breeding purposes. Can you imagine that? The lords are so particular about bloodlines and pedigrees. They are overly selective. Yet one lord is willing to lower himself to breed with a human.”
“It is likely the only way he will ever get an heir.” Cabrian held the record for the most failed mating tests. She could understand his refusal to participate in more of them. Why keep trying when it was hopeless? She wondered whether he would acknowledge the Roman lady as his mate. If he did, it would be the first step towards acceptance of mixed unions. That would be a good thing for her. She wouldn’t have to worry so much about concealing her own mixed heritage if it became acceptable to pair with a human. “I want to meet this Roman woman.”
“That may be difficult. Lord Ross is guarding her well and you’ll not be permitted entry to their room.”
Kiera would find a way inside. She had questions and wouldn’t waste an opportunity to get answers. She was very good at accessing forbidden places.
* * *
Kiera didn’t see Snotti again until late afternoon, as the princess didn’t bother to get out of bed until then. She listened to Snotti’s tirade regarding the Roman woman with half an ear. She didn’t share Snotti’s opinion that human females posed a dangerous threat to hybrid existence, but she knew better than to argue with her about it. Her mind drifted while Snotti droned on and on about things she didn’t care about. She touched her throat, hoping the high necked gown covered the bite marks there. She didn’t want to admit to anyone that she had no idea who had bitten her.
“I ask that every lady join me in my righteous quest to rid Asstrumnia of the human scourge.” Snotti raised a Centurion’s staff into the air. The weapon had been confiscated from Claudius Brutus after the slaughter. “We have been told that it is our fault whenever a mating bond fails to take hold. However, I know the truth of the matter. Our males have been under the corrupting influence of human females.” Snotti pointed her staff toward a stuffed dummy made to represent a human female. The figure had been decorated with twin grapefruits to represent the breasts and the pelt of a raccoon had been affixed at the center. The dummy, which was nailed to a tree, was crowned with a blonde wig. “Thank you, Lady Selma, for your hard work in crafting this model of the human female.”
Kiera thought it looked ridiculous. Naturally the rest of the ladies crooned and gushed with effusive praise.
Snotti waved the staff around in the air to gain everyone’s attention. “They tempt our men and cause them to have no desire to mate with their own kind. What just happened to Lord Ross will happen to the rest of our men unless we take action.”
“We should demand the death of Lord Ross’ human slave,” Prudencia said.
“I have already done so, but the prince refuses to listen to me,” Snotti said. “Lord Cabrian Ross needs to be saved from himself. I will find a way to remove the Babylonian from his keeping.” Snotti set the staff down and picked up a wooden hunter’s bow. She took careful aim and the arrow sailed through the air and pierced the left grapefruit. The noblewomen clapped and Snotti smiled with happiness. “There is nothing more important than the preservation of the elite Asstrum bloodlines. Our alien forefathers, the Asstrum, bestowed upon us the gift of Ass . However, it is only the rare elite who possess the gift of blood drinking.” She sent a second arrow into the remaining grapefruit on the dummy. Red juice and pulp coated the white cloth covering the figure and the ladies roared their approval. “These gifts will continue to be passed to future
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