War of the Eagles

War of the Eagles by Eric Walters

Book: War of the Eagles by Eric Walters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eric Walters
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me to start working again.
    â€œI’ll try, sir. Is there anything else, sir, or can I get back to helping my mother get ready for breakfast?”
    â€œPlease, don’t let me take you away from your work. You and your mother are the only two people in the whole camp, including myself, who I know for sure are actually doing their jobs well. That reminds me.” The major turned to face my mother. “Mrs. Blackburn, do you think it’s possible to get a few more people to hunt for us? I’ll give them the same offer as your son’s.”
    â€œDoes that deal include jackets as well? Jed’s cousins have been eyeing that jacket of his.”
    â€œThat should be no problem. An army issue jacket for each of them.”
    â€œThen it might be possible. Probably not any of the men, though. Too busy working down in Rupert. Some of them have two or even three jobs. But, I’m sure one or two of Jed’s cousins would be interested.”
    â€œExcellent, excellent!”
    â€œWhile we’re talking help, I could sure use an extra hand in the kitchen.”
    â€œThat shouldn’t be difficult. I know of fourteen can–didates for the position,” Major Brown said firmly.
    â€œNope. Rather have no help than that help. I want somebody who’s there by choice.”
    â€œSomebody like Jed?”
    â€œYep. Another helper like Jed.”
    â€œArrange it,” Major Brown agreed. “Arrange it.” He rose and left the mess hall.
    Mother answered with a smile and went back into the kitchen to continue getting breakfast ready. I fol–lowed in after her.
    â€œAny ideas who can help?” I asked.
    â€œCouple. Maybe Jonnie … maybe Peter.”
    â€œHow about Tadashi?”
    â€œTadashi? I didn’t know he could hunt.”
    â€œI’m sure he can,” I replied, although I was pretty sure he couldn’t. I knew he didn’t even own a gun, but I could loan him my old rifle. “But I know he’d be good here in the kitchen. He’s a hard worker, polite, and does what he’s told and …”
    â€œSounds good. Maybe I should hire him and get rid of the guy I’ve got helping me now.”
    She started laughing. She had the most wonderful laugh, and it wasn’t just me who thought so. My father and mother met at a Legion dance. He’d told me how he heard her laugh float across the room. He couldn’t see her, just hear the laugh. He trailed after the laughter until he saw her. She kidded him that it wasn’t love at first sight but love at first sound.
    â€œTalk to your cousins tomorrow. I guess you won’t be seeing Tadashi until school on Monday.”
    â€œCouldn’t I maybe go and talk to him later today? Maybe after supper?” I’d been spending so much time at the base that I really hadn’t seen much of Tadi and I missed him. “It would be nice to have him hanging around here with me.”
    â€œHanging around? Don’t think I’m hiring anybody to hang around.”
    â€œYou know what I mean,” I protested.
    â€œGo, right after you help with meal prep. I know you’ve been missing him.”
    â€œThanks. It’s going to be great to have him around.”
    â€œDon’t count your chickens just yet. How do you know he’ll even be interested?”
    â€œHe can use the money,” I answered. I knew he was saving for university.
    â€œWe’d better finish getting things set. Have you taken care of your eagle this morning?”
    â€œI’ll do that right now,” I said.
    â€œGood. It’s bad enough I’ve got all these men to feed without me having to go out there and take care of that bird when you’re not here.”

    It didn’t take us long to clear up after the lunch crowd. It was a smaller than usual gathering since there were two squads of men who were either deep in the forest digging a new garbage

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